Kkun wrote:I liked Lulu's voice a lot. Auron's was really good, but the way he said things was kind of choppy sometimes, IMO. I thought the voice acting was overall good in the game, though. I'm gonna go with Lulu's voice, though.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:It was Yuna's that bugged me if anyone on here (yes this is a "best" voice topic, but getting all my thoughts out here) but she DID greatly improve in X-2 (I wonder who will even be in X-3...). Either than that, all the other voices fit the characters quite nicely^^ No real overall fav here.
everdred12a wrote:Oh, please say they didn't announce an X-3... The world still hasn't recovered from X-2 yet...
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Yeah X-2 was... special :/ X-3 was announced some time ago actually but only as a tentative title (probably pushed it aside for their FF7/FF13 projects).
Tom Dincht wrote:X-3 was planned to have Sin return and have Tidus, Shyun, and Lenn join the party of the FFX-2 group and also throw Wakka and Lulu back in. I believe it was cancelled as well as a title called FFX-0 (The Story Before the Story) but, that was cancelled as well. It was supposed to have the same gameplay as X2 and was going to consist of Jecht, Auron, and Braska. X-0 was just a thought, though and I think would've sucked.
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