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teams you used to beat a game

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teams you used to beat a game

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:00 pm

Alright, for games involved where you can pick and chose who you want to beat the final boss(es) with, what were there?

I remember allllllll the way back to Pokemon Blue, I used my party, but essentially all I needed was my hand-raised non-cheat lv. 90-100 Venusaur to beat the elites^^ Razer leaf each opponent with one-hits... cept Charizard. Being flame-type he took a razor leaf and maybe a tiny tap (tackle) to wipe him out. Still I didn't even NEED the rest of my party for that :/ All rare candies were given to him!

For FF7, I only used the second team once (which had Tifa, RedXIII and Barret) and for Sephiroth, I used Cloud, Vincent, and Cid.

FFX: Tidus, Auron, Yuna, and I keep thinking Lulu for some reason :/ Think I wanted to use her and found out I needed Auron, or somethin like that :/ Been a while.

FF X-2: Still in the process of beating it (stupid musical stepping stones at the end >_<) But For the longest time I have (and will be using) all 3 in the warrior class. All masters, quick and strong so works good for me (has been for most the game!)

And... that's all I have in my mind at the moment^^
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:12 pm

oooohhhh man :lol: good ol Pokemon

Lets see

I always had:
Level 100 Charizard
Level 100 Blastoise
Level 100 Venusar
Level 100 Mew
Level 100 Gengar
Level 100 Mewtwo I think?

I think one of them are wrong... but oh well

Yupp... I totally cheated them up with rare candies, carbos, calciums, irons, and protens, pp ups and hp ups
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Postby Slater » Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:27 pm

Pokemon: Venusaur, Sandslash, Mew (I am not a cheater!), Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres. Venusaur gets replaced often tho (such as by Mewtwo)

Super Mario Bros RPG LotSS: Usually use Mario, Geno, and Toadstool. Mario is default, Geno kills things in one hit (including Exor, which most people don't know about), and Toadstool is a medic.
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Postby pillar_anime7 » Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:18 pm

In the RPGs, I don't remember off hand but on Madden 2004, I used the New York Giants for about 8 or so seasons and won 4 straight Super Bowls with them and on Madden 2005 I used the New York Jets and played 2 seasons with them. I don't have a team selected yet for Madden 06.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:51 am

^ Heh.

Anyways, for:

FF7: Cloud, Cid, Red XIII.

FF8: Squall, Rinoa, Irvine.

FF9: Zidane, Steiner, Garnet, and Amarant.

FF10: There was 8 members that could all be used at once.
edit: Well, not all at once but you can use them all individually in a battle.

Um, basically all the other turnbased RPGs I own that I have beaten chooses the characters for you such as the Grandia and Wild Arms games, ect.
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Postby Scribs » Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:16 am

For Pokemon blue the first time... it was so long ago, but I do remember that i had

Possibly magmar,
maybe a golem
and I think i had a clefabale with me too.
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Postby Puritan » Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:08 pm

Hmmm, let me think:

FFVII: Cloud, Barret, Cid
FFVIII: Squall, Rinoa, Zell
FFX: Tended to use Tidus, Auron, Yuna
Xenogears: Fei, Citan, Elly
Baldur's Gate II: My main character (a Mage), Minsk (and the minature giant space hamster Boo!), Aerie, and Anmon
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Postby CookinLikeSanji » Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:43 pm

Note: Most of these I've beat plenty of times, but the following are parties I'll usually use in the end.

FF1 - Knight, Ninja, White Wizard and Black Wizard
FF4(I think this is it, been a while - Cecil, Rydia, Tellah, Kain and Rosa
FF6 (For Kefka's Final Form) - Locke, Celes, Sabin and Edgar
FF7 - Cloud, Cid and Yuffie
FF8 - Squall, Quistis and Irvine
FF9 - Zidane, Vivi, Steiner and Garnet
FF10 - Auron, Yuna and Lulu

Those are the FF ones I can clearly remember, the ones where final members are selectable and interchangeable at least, to my recollection.

Star Ocean The Second Story - Beat way too many times...Always have either Opera or Ashton in the end though.

Chrono Trigger - Same as above, but my favorite party hands down is Crono, Magus and Frog.

I'm off for now, I'll add more later.
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Postby Debitt » Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:48 pm

FFIX: Zidane, Steiner, Vivi, Freya
SO2: Ashton, Claude, Celine, Rena
SO3: Fayt, Cliff, Albel

Marvel vs Capcom 2: Strider Hiryu, Sakura, Jin

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Postby Tommy » Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:22 pm

Oh, yeah Chrono and Star Ocean games.

Chrono Trigger: Crono, Magus, Marle
Chrono Cross: Serge, Kid, and that cyborg who uses his hair to fight.

Star Ocean: The second Story- Never beat.
Star Ocean: TTEOT: Abel, Maria, Fayt.
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Postby everdred12a » Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:55 pm

Let's see....

Pokemon Sapphire (only one I can remember): Blaziken, Nidoking, Zapdos, Gardevoir, Kyogre, and a Zigzagoon (only for Pickup)
FF7: Most recently; Cloud, Yuffie, Vincent (Vincent was a mistake... I like Vincent, but I should've used Cid)
FF8: Squall, Zell, Selphie
SO3: Maria (leader), Fayt, Nel (first time); Maria (leader) Fayt, Mirage (after Sphere 211) Currently playing on Universe with Maria (leader), Fayt, and Albel.

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Postby jon_jinn » Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:14 pm

Pokemon Red version:
Charizard, Chansey, Electabuzz, Lapras, Mewtwo, Vileplume
Titus, Wakka, Auron
Golden Sun Lost Age:
(Starting Party) Issac (Master), Garet(Paladin), Piers(Pure Mage), Shiba (Necromage)
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Postby KBMaster » Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:09 am

Paper Mario: Mario and Vivian.
FF7: Cloud, Yuffie, Cait Sith. Ah, Everdred12a, I made that mistake with Vincent the first time around. He was a frog... during his limit break... while everyone else... was DEAD. Needless to say, I lost that round.
FF8: Squall, Selphie, Irvine.
I've played Fire Emblem too many times to remember them all, but here are the regulars: Lyn, Hector, Smelliwood, Athos, Nils, Heath, Lucius, Raven, Bartre, Farina, Harken, Nino, and Pent. That's all I can think of right now. It might be too many. :P
As for FE: SS, I haven't beaten yet, but if I can bring 12 characters as per usual, it'll be: Eirika, Ephraim, Lute, Ewan, Marisa, Gerik, L'Arachel(the insane critical genius), Tana, Cormag, Franz, Innes, and Rennac.
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Postby jon_jinn » Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:22 pm

Oh yeah. I forgot about the Fire Emblem series.
For the Fire Emblem:
Eliwood, Lyn, Hector, Nino, Guy, Legault, Rebecca, Kent, Athos, and Nils
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones:
Erika, Ephraim, Ewan, Marissa, Ross, Colm, Cormag, Myrh (however you spell it), and Franz
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Postby everdred12a » Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:07 pm

The main thing I never considered with using Vincent was the fact that his limit break doesn't end until he dies or the battle is over. Needless to say, when fighting Sephiroth, Cloud and Yuffie were much more useful, not to mention that the effects of thier ultimate weapons are better than Vincents (Vincent's ultimate weapon effect is crap).

EDIT: I guess I can post a FE group as well:

I don't exactly remember the teams I used, but my favorites to use (posted in order of usefulness) were Nino, Canas (who was totally BROKEN), Lyn, Guy, Jaffar, Karel/Karla, Farina (the one with the blue hair, I *think* she was Farina...), Raven, and Priscilla. I don't really remember any of my battle arena teams, but I know that just about every one of them had Nino and Canas in them, mainly because Nino is my favorite character in the game, and because Canas is just so broken. Most of them probably had Lyn and Jaffar as well.

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