Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

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Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby Never thirsty! » Mon May 05, 2014 2:11 pm

Does that mean doing everything as if I'm doing everything for God which ultimately I am whether it impacts people's view of God as better or worse. I know I'm doing my best giving and giving everything to my academics while in class or doing homework, but I still have straight D -'s except for math and english which are F's and my teachers always say it's because “I don't pay attention” when clearly I do they never seem to think maybe it's their fault for the way their teaching it because I ask for help and they tell me I doing stuff right but oh yes that's right D's and F's how could God possibly appreciate that? Also how is it that me one of the people who would die for proclaming the gospel and say it was worth it has a huge F in algebra 2 while the hardcore atheist who wouldn't even say God is nonexistant just because the word “God” has just exited her lips is just cruisin' along with an A+?
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby goldenspines » Mon May 05, 2014 7:30 pm

News flash, God doesn't care how "good" you are. Nor does he care how "bad" you are either. If He did, he wouldn't have given us all a way for salvation that's ridiculously easy.

You could get D's and F's for daaaaaays and it wouldn't matter to God (granted, it does matter to Him if you are feeling depressed by it. But He won't command you to only get A's or else you're not going to heaven or "not good enough" for Him. XP No one is good enough for God, but that doesn't matter to Him).

Now, what does matter to God is two things. 1) Do you believe in Him (as the creator of the universe, etc)? and 2) Do you believe that God sent His Son to die for you and your stupid mistakes that you have made in the past, are making now, and will make in the future?

That's all. So, in regards to your worry, keep God as the center of your life and yeah, everything you do, do unto Him as the focus of your life. Whether you get A's or F's, whether you mess up or succeed, make it a point to kick yourself out as the main focus of your life and put Him there, AND with that, your will be able to show His love to others.

How can you show God's love? Well, you can start by not blaming anyone else for your problems. Granted, there are some terrible teachers out there, but you could be making the effort to study on your own. Don't solely rely on teachers to teach you stuff. Go out there and learn; from books, from magazines, from encyclopedias, from talking to other people about stuff!

So, key notes for a quiz later:
- God doesn't care how good you do in life, He only cares about a relationship with you. He can work through anyone, even people who think they're failures.
- Love others more than yourself.
- Make the effort to learn stuff.
- Don't give up just because you do mess up. Mistakes happen in life, a lot. You just have to learn from them and continue on.

Good luck, and bravo, your sentences are getting better. =D
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby Ante Bellum » Mon May 05, 2014 9:55 pm

Never thirsty! wrote:the hardcore atheist who wouldn't even say God is nonexistant just because the word “God” has just exited her lips

Ignoring the fact that this atheist might be excelling because she puts effort into her work, what is with this belief that atheists have issues saying "God"? I have never in my life met any non-Christian who couldn't bring themself to say it, and yet I hear this concept repeated constantly.
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby Xeno » Tue May 06, 2014 12:21 am

It's not like saying "God" will cause him to appear the same way saying "Voldemort" causes him to appear (or whatever it is that does, I didn't read those books). Besides the "atheist" or whatever is probably either smarter than you or just a better student. God doesn't give people good grades, you have to earn them by studying and working for them. Don't blame your teachers for your own failures either. Perhaps if you focused a little less on being a master mma fighter, pro-level coder, and rock star guitarist you could find the drive to get your grades up.
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby ClaecElric4God » Tue May 06, 2014 7:45 am

Well, I don't have much to say on the grand scheme of what you're asking about, but I'm gonna throw in my two cents and reiterate a point Goldy made.
goldenspines wrote:Granted, there are some terrible teachers out there, but you could be making the effort to study on your own. Don't solely rely on teachers to teach you stuff.

I was homeschooled, and aside from occasionally getting help from my mom/older siblings, I largely taught myself. And I was more or less an A student. Not bragging here, just pointing out that teachers aren't everything. Be grateful you have teachers to begin with.
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? -Micah 6:8 KJV
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby Never thirsty! » Tue May 06, 2014 1:15 pm

Ok first it doesn't matter how many notes I take I can't even open my locker door because it's full of notebooks filled with notes that will come forth and bury me maybe i overdid it but still I have room for my calculator that's it after my pile of 6 library books and my backup hoodie in case it starts raining and I didn't bring one I have 10 different notebooks for math 1 for each section of the textbook all filled with notes Xeno I actually agree with you for once maybe I should take a break from my training because my guard can still be passed almost effortlessly and that could be horrible for an mma fighter because easy guard pass = side mount from side mount to North-South(easy choke submission) or full mount (easy ground 'n pound victory) most of my day is actually spent studying though I only spend 1-1.5 hours training 5+ hours studying I wake up at 3 am study for an hour straight eyes and mind glued to the book the whole time till 4 am plug my headphones into my amp practice for about an hour train for half an hour then I get ready for school. 7 hours at school + 2 hours getting ready after including my training and guitar practice 9 hours + 1.5 hours training 10.5 hours 3 hours of stuff fun 1 hour for dinner and chores 10 hours to sleep and recover to wake up and do it all over again. Except on the weekends I just study for 5 hours and sleep for 12 1.5 hours of circut training with 3 12 30 second rest period. I try to go 5 minutes ultra high intensity and break 30 seconds with 12 .5 second water breaks. If they were any longer and my body won't be used to only getting a squirt of h20 molecules before my trainer tells me what I need to improve and what I'm doing awesome. It takes a lot of energy and a lot of sleep to recouperate from burning that energy. But I still make time to study and I read my bible on my phone during my lunch period. I haven't really had much will to practice music lately and I can't practice coding because my computer is broken. If I put as much energy into all three of those things as I do into studying I'd be training with Chris Weidman right now I'd be touring with Wolves At the Gate and I'd have a job at nintendo or google innovating the code that goes into the pokemon games or making google a superpowerful internet force that has become the most successful company of all time and um still F. Actually I checked powerschool today got the average for my current grade and previous quarter grades and I should graduate fine. If I don't let my grade slip anymore I have to either sustain it or make it better. I get distracted multiple times from everything but my school related studies maybe school just isn't for me kinda late for me to make that realization with 7 days left in the school year besides finals week. If I can't blame my teachers can I at least blame the curriculum that they switched to this year? It's these really sucky “College Preparatory Mathematics” core connections algebra II textbooks. they are full of useless notes that I wrote down and studied more super-effectively than solar beam on blastoise in vain. The textbooks don't even show you how to do the stuff. Yes I ask for help what do the teachers say? “if you paid attention you wouldn't need out help.” seriousnessly?
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby snowcatgrlX7 » Tue May 06, 2014 1:51 pm

Hmmm. You sound rly overworked :0 I think u should make a schedule of the things you should do at certain times. I also think u should take some time out of ur day to review your notes (that works for me). You should continue to read ur bible tho^^
Also, try to pray for a break if you feel weighed down by work or are stressed :0
Matthew 11:28-30
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

And don't forget to focus in class .o. You can underline or highlight certain parts of information that are REALLY important
That way it'll be easier to locate important stuff that you'll need to study later ^^
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby Ante Bellum » Wed May 07, 2014 4:09 am

You either need to stop lying or get better at it.

You can't have nothing but D- and F grades and still be on track for graduation. You can't even "sustain" those grades, as they're at the bottom already. If you said you needed to sustain a C, that's understandable. My high school failed anybody who dropped below a C average. Actually, depending on the situation, having less than that meant you either were rejected outright (application basis only, no open enrollment), kicked out, or unable to graduate. No, though, you are already failing. Even if you DID pass earlier classes, you have to fulfill all your graduation requirements, which include English and maths. You already said you waste your day writing lyrics (you have yet to prove you've got anything despite saying you can make an album in a week; the same goes for your comics and MMA claims) in class. Clearly, no, you are not paying attention. Even if you DID take notes, there's no way you could reasonably fill ten notebooks in a single class. I wrote down almost everything in my calc II class this year and only took up a section of a notebook. You can't blame your curriculum, either. There are dozens of resources for learning, not just the textbook. Khan Academy, Wolfram Alpha, Math Is Fun, Paul's Online Notes, and my personal go-to PatrickJMT are only a few out there. Or you could ask a teacher, because they could help identify and break down any trouble you have understanding the problem.
At best, you may have to pursue a GED, but that still requires some measure of proficiency.
As for your schedule, do you really expect us to believe you wake up at three each morning AND attend school AND get ten hours of sleep AND have time to practice being a MMA master-international rock star-comic artist-game programmer-whatever the hell else you claim to do? You never allotted any time for homework, either.
Actually, let's take a look at that schedule. Wake up at three and study until four, practice guitar until five, physically train until five-thirty, then get ready for school until eight. Seven hours, you get out at three. More physical and guitar practice until five, another hour and a half training until six-thirty, three hours of "stuff fun" until nine-thirty, an hour for dinner and chores until you go to bed at ten-thirty. However, following that schedule, you would only get four and a half hours of sleep on a school night. Where's homework in all that? You have an hour of study in here, maybe another two hours of study during school to be generous. Again, you've talked about wasting study time on other pursuits. That's not five hours of study and one and a half hours of training, as you stated immediately before. If you're going to lie about studying, wouldn't you at least put in the effort to stay consistent? As my old teacher used to say, 90% of college success is time management. You can't even pretend to have a good schedule, which brings me to my next point:
I really hope you don't plan to pursue post secondary education programming, because you don't even have the grades (have you even taken the SAT or ACT?) to get into college, much less the skills to stay there. The same goes for college in general, considering liberal education requirements. You'll be required to take college-level mathematics and English classes. While many majors allow algebra for the maths requirement, science/engineering departments are not so lenient. HTML, CSS, and Javascript are not proper languages if you want to do anything outside web design. Even knowing Javascript, the most versatile of the three, isn't going to land you a job. Pretty convenient your computer only broke within the past two and a half weeks, though. Must be fun typing out these walls of text on a mobile device. Speaking of coding and Pogeymens, whatever happened to you being so deathly aquaphobic you could barely play the game? Now you're using it for examples (and specifically water-type, no less) and threads and trying to throw together a rudimentary battle system. For someone who shouldn't have reasonably played through a single game, you have a strange fixation on it.
I have a suggestion. How about you stop pushing the blame on other people and hold yourself accountable for once? You can blame teachers and the curriculum all you want, but you've never proven yourself one to expend effort in anything. There is no way you can genuinely study for five hours a day and not learn anything. Do you honestly think this "hardcore atheist" is merely coasting along without applying herself? Even if it were the case that she's naturally good with numbers, it's unlikely she could do so well without doing homework or even studying. It certainly has nothing to do with (lack of) religion, either. The way you worded your first post, it's like you expect to succeed just on the basis that you're a Christian, while the "others" should fail. That's not how the real world works. Unless, of course, you have the money to pay your way through anything, then real world rules need not apply.
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby Never thirsty! » Wed May 07, 2014 4:32 pm

Ante Bellum wrote:You either need to stop lying or get better at it.

You can't have nothing but D- and F grades and still be on track for graduation. You can't even "sustain" those grades, as they're at the bottom already. If you said you needed to sustain a C, that's understandable. My high school failed anybody who dropped below a C average. Actually, depending on the situation, having less than that meant you either were rejected outright (application basis only, no open enrollment), kicked out, or unable to graduate. No, though, you are already failing. Even if you DID pass earlier classes, you have to fulfill all your graduation requirements, which include English and maths. You already said you waste your day writing lyrics (you have yet to prove you've got anything despite saying you can make an album in a week; the same goes for your comics and MMA claims) in class. Clearly, no, you are not paying attention. Even if you DID take notes, there's no way you could reasonably fill ten notebooks in a single class. I wrote down almost everything in my calc II class this year and only took up a section of a notebook. You can't blame your curriculum, either. There are dozens of resources for learning, not just the textbook. Khan Academy, Wolfram Alpha, Math Is Fun, Paul's Online Notes, and my personal go-to PatrickJMT are only a few out there. Or you could ask a teacher, because they could help identify and break down any trouble you have understanding the problem.
At best, you may have to pursue a GED, but that still requires some measure of proficiency.
As for your schedule, do you really expect us to believe you wake up at three each morning AND attend school AND get ten hours of sleep AND have time to practice being a MMA master-international rock star-comic artist-game programmer-whatever the hell else you claim to do? You never allotted any time for homework, either.
Actually, let's take a look at that schedule. Wake up at three and study until four, practice guitar until five, physically train until five-thirty, then get ready for school until eight. Seven hours, you get out at three. More physical and guitar practice until five, another hour and a half training until six-thirty, three hours of "stuff fun" until nine-thirty, an hour for dinner and chores until you go to bed at ten-thirty. However, following that schedule, you would only get four and a half hours of sleep on a school night. Where's homework in all that? You have an hour of study in here, maybe another two hours of study during school to be generous. Again, you've talked about wasting study time on other pursuits. That's not five hours of study and one and a half hours of training, as you stated immediately before. If you're going to lie about studying, wouldn't you at least put in the effort to stay consistent? As my old teacher used to say, 90% of college success is time management. You can't even pretend to have a good schedule, which brings me to my next point:
I really hope you don't plan to pursue post secondary education programming, because you don't even have the grades (have you even taken the SAT or ACT?) to get into college, much less the skills to stay there. The same goes for college in general, considering liberal education requirements. You'll be required to take college-level mathematics and English classes. While many majors allow algebra for the maths requirement, science/engineering departments are not so lenient. HTML, CSS, and Javascript are not proper languages if you want to do anything outside web design. Even knowing Javascript, the most versatile of the three, isn't going to land you a job. Pretty convenient your computer only broke within the past two and a half weeks, though. Must be fun typing out these walls of text on a mobile device. Speaking of coding and Pogeymens, whatever happened to you being so deathly aquaphobic you could barely play the game? Now you're using it for examples (and specifically water-type, no less) and threads and trying to throw together a rudimentary battle system. For someone who shouldn't have reasonably played through a single game, you have a strange fixation on it.
I have a suggestion. How about you stop pushing the blame on other people and hold yourself accountable for once? You can blame teachers and the curriculum all you want, but you've never proven yourself one to expend effort in anything. There is no way you can genuinely study for five hours a day and not learn anything. Do you honestly think this "hardcore atheist" is merely coasting along without applying herself? Even if it were the case that she's naturally good with numbers, it's unlikely she could do so well without doing homework or even studying. It certainly has nothing to do with (lack of) religion, either. The way you worded your first post, it's like you expect to succeed just on the basis that you're a Christian, while the "others" should fail. That's not how the real world works. Unless, of course, you have the money to pay your way through anything, then real world rules need not apply.

Trend noticed I say something you respond pointing out every “flaw” I respond you manage to twist and find more “flaws” never ending cycle it is pointless to respond
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby Xeno » Wed May 07, 2014 9:39 pm

Trend I noticed. You still keep blaming everyone but yourself for everything that isn't perfect in your life.
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby Never thirsty! » Thu May 08, 2014 6:03 pm

Xeno wrote:Trend I noticed. You still keep blaming everyone but yourself for everything that isn't perfect in your life.

Let's see I didn't blame anyone for my relapses I had a cause to which my response was self-harm. how can I blame someone else for my own doing hence the name SELF -harm. I can't I didn't blame nearly killing myself on anyone I said “because of ..... when I am alone I will cease to exist because no one can stop me” I had a cause but the response was mine. When I lose a fight I don't blame it on my camp's leader, I blame myself for not making sure I was prepared when I stepped through the ropes. I don't blame anyone when my code doesn't run and my audio is down for a month it was a bug in the code I typed not someone else. and I just got destroyed in a 1v1 basketball game because I messed around and didn't start playing for real until he only need 1 more bucket my complacency was my downfall
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Re: Question related to where the bible talks about doing everything as if unto the Lord

Postby shooraijin » Sat May 10, 2014 10:30 am

You have a lot to think about. Good luck.
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