Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

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Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Never thirsty! » Fri May 02, 2014 6:08 pm

from what I wrote in my dream journal down it was me and my group of awesome senior friends(who are now almost college softmores) and we were all at my house making fun of spongebob episodes but we were communicating via telepathy and everyone had iced water with lemon and I asked i anyone else wanted more they all said no so I went to go get more water for myself but the knobs in the kitchen sink were like the knobs in my bathroom sink not right real kitchen sink has 1 knob not 2 I turn the cold knob and the knob breaks goes flying and puts a hole in the wall and then I could see my neighbor's house I live in a condo complex the water starts to build and my friends and I sprinted up the stairs to my room and I got everyone a pair of goggles a scuba mask and an oxygen tank we swam to the first floor and tried whatever we could to stop the water from rising we called 911 because we couldn't stop it (my friend has an iphone with a life-proof case which survived extreme flooding 911 doesn't get there in time we all died then I woke up it was close to midnight
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby nillapoet » Sat May 03, 2014 12:18 pm

Only God can interpret dreams. I used to really be into trying to figure out what my dreams meant. According to some dream dictionaries, drowning means you are overwhelmed by something. Drowning to death also symbolizes an emotional rebirth. But at this point, I don't think most dreams mean much.
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby snowcatgrlX7 » Sun May 04, 2014 11:43 am

Like nillapoet said, only God can truly interpret dreams
From what I gather though, I think that you're suffering from some kind of problem (the water)
And that particular problem has (or had) gotten out of control (the water rising higher)
I think the part where you said everyone had died symbolizes the fact that you somehow let the problem take over and get out of control
Thats what I think:0
I think your best bet would be to pray about this
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Xeno » Sun May 04, 2014 11:52 am

Stop putting so much stock into your dreams or trying to figure them out. They don't mean anything and they're just your subconscious becoming active during REM sleep.
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Mullet Death » Sun May 04, 2014 8:07 pm

In the dream I had last night, my friend and I played a game called "Weed Simulator," an illegal-substance-growing rpg. For the record, I don't agree with the use of drugs, and neither does he-- he's training to be a cop. It was a brand-new game for-- get this-- the Sega Genesis.

The dream had a lot of other bizarre details, including my friend's little sister harassing us about being in the living room playing Weed Simulator while she was trying to change her clothes. My freind doesn't have siblings in the real world. At some point, I got out of the living room to respect this imaginary sister's wishes and went upstairs-- my friend doesn't have a second floor. On this floor I found several things that make no sense and perhaps can't even be described adequately outside the realm of dreams. Among them was a door that was so totally out of place it may as well have been a door to Narnia. When opened it revealed some sort of office room filled with cublicles of people collaborating on a newspaper. I was greeted by a manager who immediately knew I wasn't supposed to be there, but I apparently talked him into letting me peek around a litle, because the rest of the blur of a dream involved me discussing the advantages of using Linux to the newspaper's IT department.

What you should get out of this is that while there are indeed meaningful dreams, and there are many, many dreams that serve as creative catalysts, many dreams don't have any particular "meaning" to them. I mean, seriously. I didn't make up or imbellish a single detail of that dream. Can you guess what MY dream means? Probably not, so my general advice would be to not put too much stock in the dreamworld for anything beyond imagination.

My other piece of advice may sound rude, but I'm just as serious, and it's genuinely for your benefit in the long run. Please start putting punctuation marks into your posts. Your post LITERALLY has no periods. Come on dude.

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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Ante Bellum » Sun May 04, 2014 9:47 pm

Mullet Death wrote:Can you guess what MY dream means?

It depends. How good were you at Weed Simulator?
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Nate » Sun May 04, 2014 10:18 pm

My interpretation is that you had to pee.

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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Xeno » Mon May 05, 2014 9:11 am

Mullet, I found a game for you:
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Never thirsty! » Mon May 05, 2014 1:50 pm

Mullet Death wrote:In the dream I had last night, my friend and I played a game called "Weed Simulator," an illegal-substance-growing rpg. For the record, I don't agree with the use of drugs, and neither does he-- he's training to be a cop. It was a brand-new game for-- get this-- the Sega Genesis.

The dream had a lot of other bizarre details, including my friend's little sister harassing us about being in the living room playing Weed Simulator while she was trying to change her clothes. My freind doesn't have siblings in the real world. At some point, I got out of the living room to respect this imaginary sister's wishes and went upstairs-- my friend doesn't have a second floor. On this floor I found several things that make no sense and perhaps can't even be described adequately outside the realm of dreams. Among them was a door that was so totally out of place it may as well have been a door to Narnia. When opened it revealed some sort of office room filled with cublicles of people collaborating on a newspaper. I was greeted by a manager who immediately knew I wasn't supposed to be there, but I apparently talked him into letting me peek around a litle, because the rest of the blur of a dream involved me discussing the advantages of using Linux to the newspaper's IT department.

What you should get out of this is that while there are indeed meaningful dreams, and there are many, many dreams that serve as creative catalysts, many dreams don't have any particular "meaning" to them. I mean, seriously. I didn't make up or imbellish a single detail of that dream. Can you guess what MY dream means? Probably not, so my general advice would be to not put too much stock in the dreamworld for anything beyond imagination.

My other piece of advice may sound rude, but I'm just as serious, and it's genuinely for your benefit in the long run. Please start putting punctuation marks into your posts. Your post LITERALLY has no periods. Come on dude.

I don't use much punctuation because it just makes me look much dumber than I already look.(should I have even put a period there?) I count only a few languages I'm can call myself okay at(cyber languages)JS, HTML and CSS still working on html5 but I've basically got it down only the last 4 sections of the advanced course left.
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby DaughterOfZion » Mon May 05, 2014 2:13 pm

People learn how to make sentences in 1st grade, do you really expect us to believe you forgot how to do even that? "I don't use much punctuation because it just makes me look much dumber than I already look." I doubt that, it sounds more like an excuse to not try. That sentences proves you can use a period properly because yes you should have put a period there.

We can't understand half of what you say because you make giant blobs of text that consist of one giant run on sentence. If you just even TRIED to use periods we could understand way more of what you say. I get two lines into your posts and my brain shuts down because I don't want to figure out where one complete thoughts end and another begins.

Quick tip: if you're posting about peanut butter crackers and then start talking about flying a turnip into space, put a period in between the thought about peanut butter crackers and the thought about turnips. Maybe it's not 100% correct but that would at least make your posts halfway understandable.

Also to make this slightly on topic, don't worry about your dreams so much. Dreams are weird, spend the time you worry about them on worrying about more immediate things.
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Ante Bellum » Mon May 05, 2014 3:02 pm

Perhaps if you sat down and paid attention in English class (and don't tell me you do, you've posted elsewhere that you waste lecture time on unimportant tasks instead of taking notes), you'd know how to properly use punctuation. If you honestly can't tell where to put a period, then I want to know how (or, rather, if) you've even managed to move up in English classes. You should be in a remedial class at best.
Besides that, computer languages don't count as they're not used in person to person conversation. Nobody's going to care if you can throw together a webpage if you can't string together a simple sentence. If you want to be taken even somewhat seriously in life, you need to be able to competently use whatever (human) language in which you are communicating. As DoZ, among other members, has said, your walls of text are incredibly difficult to understand. If you can't put the effort into clearly expressing your thoughts, what makes you think people want to read them? While on the topic, this also applies to your stories and comics. I've mentioned it before. Other people have mentioned it before. You can't respect your readers enough to offer them a logically organized piece, so they're not going to read it. If you don't want to listen to us, those who read your posts, then good luck when it truly matters.
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Never thirsty! » Mon May 05, 2014 3:11 pm

DaughterOfZion wrote:People learn how to make sentences in 1st grade, do you really expect us to believe you forgot how to do even that? "I don't use much punctuation because it just makes me look much dumber than I already look." I doubt that, it sounds more like an excuse to not try. That sentences proves you can use a period properly because yes you should have put a period there.

We can't understand half of what you say because you make giant blobs of text that consist of one giant run on sentence. If you just even TRIED to use periods we could understand way more of what you say. I get two lines into your posts and my brain shuts down because I don't want to figure out where one complete thoughts end and another begins.

Quick tip: if you're posting about peanut butter crackers and then start talking about flying a turnip into space, put a period in between the thought about peanut butter crackers and the thought about turnips. Maybe it's not 100% correct but that would at least make your posts halfway understandable.

Also to make this slightly on topic, don't worry about your dreams so much. Dreams are weird, spend the time you worry about them on worrying about more immediate things.

I told you I'm horrible with punctuation. Now that I think about it actually that's not all true I know when to put a semicolon in and when to use parenthesis when coding javascript, and when not to use quotations in html, but how would that help me at a school with no computer science course? I guess I could just write my sentences like lines of code in javascript. This means that each thought is completed when it reaches a semicolon and i just hit enter for each new thought but, wait don't tell me that would somehow manage to make me look even dumber, because my posts are now organized in a way that I actually know how to make them flow correctly. Oh, what's that you say if I can make them flow properly as code why can't I as sentences? Because I don't understand commas and periods I understand forward slashes, dots, parenthesis, quotation marks, semicolons, exclaimation points, and math symbols in the form that your computer sees as a bunch of zeros and ones that's right! coding form. did I just make a post in proper english? I must've gotten really lucky especially after somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby nillapoet » Mon May 05, 2014 5:37 pm

Well that escalated quickly.
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby Davidizer13 » Mon May 05, 2014 5:48 pm

Never thirsty! wrote:I told you I'm horrible with punctuation. Now that I think about it actually that's not all true I know when to put a semicolon in and when to use parenthesis when coding javascript, and when not to use quotations in html, but how would that help me at a school with no computer science course? I guess I could just write my sentences like lines of code in javascript. This means that each thought is completed when it reaches a semicolon and i just hit enter for each new thought but, wait don't tell me that would somehow manage to make me look even dumber, because my posts are now organized in a way that I actually know how to make them flow correctly. Oh, what's that you say if I can make them flow properly as code why can't I as sentences? Because I don't understand commas and periods I understand forward slashes, dots, parenthesis, quotation marks, semicolons, exclaimation points, and math symbols in the form that your computer sees as a bunch of zeros and ones that's right! coding form.

I know I'm not helping this topic get back on track or anything but I'm here to give you a tip. Go to your library, and check out the book Eats, Shoots and Leaves. It's about how to use punctuation and the like properly, and it's a lot more entertaining than I just made it sound. If you want to communicate your ideas in text so that other people can understand them clearly, punctuation's one of the big things you need. Like you said, it's just learning the syntax of another language; just like how you had to learn what commands and symbols do things in Javascript, doing the same with English isn't much different.

The other you need is to stick to one topic at a time and to not go off and end up quoting song lyrics or talking about how great you think Bleach is or what a leet coder you are or whatever while you're talking about something else. That one, you'll have to figure out on your own, but I think you're smart enough to do that.
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Re: Can someone interpret this dream(or at least try to)?

Postby shooraijin » Mon May 05, 2014 6:51 pm

"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
"Al hail the forum editting Shooby! His vibes are law!" - Osaka-chan

I could still be champ, but I'd feel bad taking it away from one of the younger guys. - George Foreman
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