Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

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Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby Never thirsty! » Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:30 pm

I feel like I may have lost my emotions some time before my last fight because I got disqualified because the ref was trying to stop the fight but he could get me off of the other guy let's just say it wasn't helping that he was wearing a mouth guard and he left the fight on a stretcher and I didn't even care how badly I hurt him No, I'm not trying to sound super tough or like I could beat up anyone because I know I'm not tough as far as mma fighters go I'm probably below, below average my comparing me to Can Velasquez is like comparing Krillin To Kid Buu look at that power level difference Kid Buu was too strong for ssj 3 goku to fight alone and he was the best fighter in dragonball z and I know for a fact Cain Velasquez would probably knock me to the ground with a light tap
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Re: Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby K. Ayato » Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:12 pm

No, He didn't. You learned that yourself.
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Re: Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby goldenspines » Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:29 pm

Technically speaking, you were still experiencing an emotion in this case. Also, because we have free will, we can choose to be as heartless or selfish as we like.
So thus, the real questions to ask yourself are these:

Why are you caring about this now when you didn't earlier? And if you are caring about knocking a guy out, why didn't you when you fought? Are you that loose of a cannon to not be able to control your own punches?

And, why did you say in your other thread that you get your face pounded in when sparring? Was this one dude just a wimp? A pushover? Were you suddenly better at sparring this particular time?

And finally, why didn't you care? I'm assuming your opponent is a person just like you, just trying to win a fight. Did the guy already land a couple of good hits on you and you were just mad and couldn't control yourself? (in which case, you did act stupidly on emotion, which I've seen a lot of hot headed rookies do)

If the latter is true, I suggest honing your self control in your martial arts. Martial arts is not about "beating the other guy to a pulp" (any buff guy off the street with no training can beat another guy to a pulp), it's about self control and being able to be strong enough to choose your actions wisely and not rashly. Unless you are able to respect others and control your own actions, then martial arts are not for you. And if you want to continue to pursue your training, I suggest you shape up and start being aware of the people around you enough to not beat them to a pulp because you are trying to win a fight. There is much more to strength than being physically strong.
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Re: Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby Never thirsty! » Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:03 pm

I was totally in control of myself my reputation in my gym is that when people go up against me I always beat my opponents to near death but I don't kill them I just make them wonder if what they're experiencing is what getting beaten to death is like and I only use choke submissions only because my nickname is after song twelve on Demon Hunter's second album Summer of Darkness which that track is Coffin Builder still not trying to sound tough at all because like I said, Cain Velasquez vs. me he could blow on me the ref would stop the fight. The guy I was fighting wasn't a wimp I just have lately been able to get more rest so all of my fighting attributes are better. I don't act on my emotions if there's anything any of my teachers have taught me whether during jiu-jutsu muay thai or wrestling training it's to always stay calm because when you get worked up your more focused on power and not technique and without proper technique you don't have as much power. I still really don't care. OK yeah goldenspines I get what you're saying in that last paragraph I will work on that but this guy and me we are even bigger rivals the Ronda Rousey and Miesha Tate I didn't beat him to a pulp I was going to just enough to make a statement to say "Dude, challenging me is like challenging gene simmons to a shredding contest you'll lose every time." I understand a reputation is no reason to break the rules to hurt someone I need to work on that and I will do that asap
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Re: Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby goldenspines » Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:44 pm

Yes, please do work on the fact that you are valuing your reputation as "the guy who beats people to near death just because he can" over actually caring enough to not seem like a loose cannon of violence. Or rather, valuing your reputation over being able to care about other people and not just about yourself.

But I guess if you want to value your tough guy facade more than other people, then whatever. It does make you come across as a total jerk, though, bro. XD; Because seriously, if I knew you got a high from beating people to near death, I wouldn't really want to hang out with you, man. I can tell you quite honestly that I find it horrifying that you were "calm" and "totally in control" while knowingly breaking rules and sending a guy to the hospital.
You are not good at fighting if you can kill someone (or almost kill them), you are a good fighter if you have the ability to kill/injure someone, but choose not to. Or rather, you have the ability to choose your battles wisely. Know when it's worth it and when it's not.

Denial on not acting on your emotions means that you acted on your emotions. XD; People in general (you included) always act on some emotion or another. There's always a reason for acting. I asked whether you acted in anger or frustration, though, which from what you're saying was probably not the case, but you do seem to imply that you were acting out of cockiness or general smugness towards your opponent in a "I'm so much stronger than you punk and don't you forget it."

Yeah, what a lame reason to beat someone. XD; What did you get from it? Was it worth it? I'd like to think there's more to life that being king of the hill, but maybe I'm wrong.

As mentioned previously, strength is not defined by physical power or even technique. You could become the best jui-jutsu fighter and muay thai boxer in the world and still be weak.

But I may be talking to thin air because you did say yourself:
Never thirsty wrote: I still really don't care.
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Re: Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby Yuki-Anne » Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:25 pm

Never thirsty! wrote:I was totally in control of myself my reputation in my gym is that when people go up against me I always beat my opponents to near death but I don't kill them I just make them wonder if what they're experiencing is what getting beaten to death is like

Holy frick, how is that in any way okay? Why would you want them to know that? Do you know what it's like? If so, why would you want anyone else to experience so much pain? You're not talking about winning a fight, you're talking about damaging and traumatizing people.

Never thirsty! wrote:The guy I was fighting wasn't a wimp I just have lately been able to get more rest so all of my fighting attributes are better. I don't act on my emotions if there's anything any of my teachers have taught me whether during jiu-jutsu muay thai or wrestling training it's to always stay calm because when you get worked up your more focused on power and not technique and without proper technique you don't have as much power. I still really don't care.

Your teachers were probably also trying to teach you to stay calm because you should be able to stay in control of your strength and realize when enough is enough. And it sounds like you are not deciding nearly soon enough to stop. You're honestly making yourself sound like a sociopath.

Never thirsty! wrote:I didn't beat him to a pulp I was going to just enough to make a statement to say "Dude, challenging me is like challenging gene simmons to a shredding contest you'll lose every time." I understand a reputation is no reason to break the rules to hurt someone I need to work on that and I will do that asap

You know what statement I would excuse sending someone to the hospital to communicate? "Don't rape my wife," or, "Don't shoot schoolchildren." Not, "Man, I'm one bad dude and you don't want to mess with me." You don't sound impressive or hardcore. You sound like a donkey's butt-crack. You sound like a small, insecure person who feels like he has to 1. send people to the hospital to prove something, and 2. humble-brag about it online using really bad grammar. Don't even try to pretend you're not bragging here. If you weren't, your post would sound more like, "Holy crap, guys, I sent this guy to the hospital! I can't believe I did it, and what scares me the most is that I didn't feel anything!" Not, "Man guys, I'm so strong I sent this guy to the hospital and I don't even care but maybe God made me emotionless or something, whatevs i got a reputation to uphold."

I'm not going to pretend to speak for God on the morality of fighting for sport, but no matter what you believe about it, I can say for a fact that you are breaking what Jesus called the 2nd greatest commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself (Matt. 22:36-40). I think you need to rethink your attitude towards your fighting style in terms of that verse, because I can't believe God would be very happy with the way you are conducting yourself, sir.
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Re: Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby Jingo Jaden » Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:08 pm

Alright now I really got to ask. Why all the contradictions? You're an MMA fighter which is supposedly really tough, but your dad beats you up and you are 18. You go into an MMA club and give yourself a wrestling nickname which would get you alienated instantly in just about any MMA club. If you had a great prospect as you mentioned in one thread you'd be on the amateur rankings by now, feel free to produce them. You make this thread about mercilessly beating someone up to the point of hospitalizing, which would have gotten you at least thrown out of any MMA club since it was a sparring match and proclaiming yourself insensitive to serious injury, but you make threads about challenge day and hugs and comfort zone breaches and breaking down in tears when other people tell you about themselves. You refused the aid of someone which would have helped you professionally co-ordinate your family issues outright. Some threads show that you're fairly uncertain about many things so i must add -

If you would happen to be a depressed, lonely, hurt individual which feels that there is not much of prestige to add into the mix. Guess what, that's entirely fine and it would gain you real sympathy and perhaps even real friends. Because right now your thread tendency is showing a tailspin that might develop itself into something dangerous given time. Even if you have not assaulted someone to an inch of their life, and I don't think you have, there will be something inside of you which would desire to do such, and that thing is bad simply put. It is generally the result of a venting and being hurt without a way to release it, and it may drive you to do something really stupid one day which you cannot undo.

So, I will put this in more frank terms. You can either speak through the language of God the father, which is truth, which values courage and it would take courage clearing some of this up. It will gain you interest, credibility, and the chance to actually improve your life both within and outside of it. Or you can speak the language of the devil, which is the father of lies. I won't judge you or pretend I know which is which in terms of your threads, but all of this puts it way beyond the gray zone as far as probable outcomes go in my book, but if you truly are someone who wants to go down the path of mercilessly damaging people just for the sake of it? Then I cannot help. If you are unhappy, fearful, despairing and uncertain of where to go in life? You will find CAA a place full of people who want and would stand able to help, but the truth needs to come first.
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Re: Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby Yuki-Anne » Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:46 am

I'm not entirely convinced that we are not being trolled.
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Re: Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby Xeno » Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:11 am

Either trolled or at the mercy of a severely schizophrenic person.

The answer to the original question is, simply put, no. There may be mental disorders where emptional repression occurrs or the ability to have them never develops due to an abnormality in the brain, but it is plainly impossible to have emotions and then to lose them. Becoming jaded by life experiences, developing coping mechanisms from familial or superior abuse, or severe depression are ways one can choose to attempt to repress their own emotions, but that in and of itself is an emotional response to not wanting to feel a particular emotion anymore. The voluntary repression of emotion also often leads to violent outbursts, either physically or verbally, as the person has no general outlet for things they biologically are meant to express.

From what I can see in your posts OP, it appears you have serious issues with pride. You keep conflating yourself with anime character and professional mma fighters, which means you're either delusional or trying to puff yourself up, I'm betting on the latter. And as Jaden said, there is wild inconsistency to your posts: your father can beat you up, but you're this total wrecking ball of an mma fighter; you cut your primary hand open and messed up the bones in it, yet this has in no way impeded your training; you, on a fairly frequent basis, beat people to near death inside and outside the ring, and yet have faced no repercussions for this. I'm inclined to believe there is some truth buried deep in each of your statements, though the statements themselves are probably false.

Go see a therapist.
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Re: Did God create Humans with the ability to become completely emotionless.

Postby shooraijin » Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:11 pm

I think Xeno is right.
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