Car Accident

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Car Accident

Postby mysngoeshere56 » Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:18 pm

My mom and I were driving home today when we were hit by somebody who was rushing to get onto the highway. Thankfully she saw them coming right before they plowed right into us so she was able to hit the breaks and their car plowed into the engine instead of the door, otherwise our injuries would've been much more serious. We both took a pretty bad physical battering - both of us have some pretty nasty bruises and cuts, but thankfully one of the witnesses was a paramedic. He stopped and was able to help us out right away, and I was conscious enough to call 911 immediately and they sent ambulances that were out in less than 5 minutes. We were rushed to the hospital to be checked out. Between the two of us they examined our injuries, took xrays, asked us where we were hurting, examined our joints to make sure we could move properly, cleaned the cuts, etc. After all that they told us that we'll definitely be sore for awhile, but we should both heal just fine (thankfully no noticeable fractures or anything like that, just some really nasty skin abrasions). We've filed a claim and since it definitely wasn't our fault things should work out in our favor there. The car's completely totaled though. The engine even started smoking when the ambulance vans arrived, so we'll need to have it replaced. Please pray for our physical healing and that God will provide us with a new car soon. Anybody who's read my previous posts on here is likely to know about our financial struggles but we're believing that He's going to provide somehow.

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Re: Car Accident

Postby AdriTan » Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:13 am

Praying for you and your mom and financial stuffs!
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Re: Car Accident

Postby Mullet Death » Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:01 pm

That's pretty awful, but at least it wasn't worse. Praying.

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Re: Car Accident

Postby mysngoeshere56 » Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:37 pm

Thanks to both of you. Thankfully a friend of mine and his wife each have their own car and they're letting us borrow one of theirs temporarily. We'll definitely need to find some way to replace the old one but we're glad that things turned out this way in circumstances like this. If we were hit even an inch closer to the door, one or both of us could've been killed or paralyzed or in need of amputations or any number of things. Thankfully pain killers and Neosporin should help us until we make our full recovery. A dead car can be replaced, but not a dead person.

A highway patrol officer also told us about the other vehicle involved, for all who may be wondering. Nobody in that vehicle was injured. Their car only received minimal damage and thankfully the driver was very responsible about what happened and was willing to admit that he was completely at fault for not seeing us and stopping sooner. Apparently he's actually not a bad guy at all, just a good person (a pastor, even) who made a mistake. Happens to all of us, and being bitter won't help us at all - and I'm glad we won't have to worry about proving we weren't at fault. And thankfully that means there were no fatalities, since the two of us were hurt the worst.
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Re: Car Accident

Postby Sheenar » Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:03 am

I'm so glad to hear everyone came out (relatively) okay! Praise God! Yes, cars can be replaced --but not people.

I remember the soreness of the aftermath of a car accident (rotated pelvis, bruised cartilage) . Rest up, take care of your bodies for a while --it will take time. I pray that you both recover soon. So glad the other driver was so willing to admit fault and work with you guys --that will make the process so much smoother.
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Re: Car Accident

Postby mysngoeshere56 » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:27 pm

Thanks again for all the prayers. She's started physical therapy today to hopefully help her out with her neck pains. I've also had a few spasms in my left foot since the accident. I talked about them with the doctor who saw us for our followup and he examined it and told me that it's related to all the injuries that're healing and how I was hit (since the muscles/nerves are connected the way they are). Thankfully our pain is starting to fade with time, but it will take time. My spasms don't come quite as often as they did a few days after they accident and when they come they haven't been as painful, so I'm just thankful for the progress. Our pain killers are helping us out too. My anxiety and nightmares have gotten worse since the accident so the doctor we saw also temporarily put me on a low-dose anti-anxiety medication to help keep it down until my anxiety naturally passes with time.

The insurance company is dragging their feet when it comes to helping us out financially, but we're still trusting in God and we'll keep calling them until things are settled. Thankfully we have some more friends who're helping us out until things start settling down again too. I think our finances are another thing that we could use a blessing/miracle in, what with the other driver's insurance company taking so much time and all. We're praying that the Lord works a miracle - we know He's done it before, and we won't lose faith now. After all, we've no doubt that His protection is what made us survive the accident in the first place. He's an awesome God!
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Re: Car Accident

Postby Sammy Boy » Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:26 am

I am glad to know you and your mom as well as the other driver were not more seriously hurt.

Hoping God will get you through this time, and it's good to know your friends are helping you out. Please keep us posted.
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Re: Car Accident

Postby Lynna » Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:21 am

That's really hard. Praying!
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Re: Car Accident

Postby mysngoeshere56 » Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:07 am

Quick Update: The other driver's insurance started to work with us and we were able to get a rental car from his insurance company so we could return the loaned car to our friends. Turns out we've now used up the rental period, and they can't extend it anymore. If we're going to get it extended, we'll have to pay for it ourselves. And that just happens to be a time when one of them has jury duty, so they'll need both cars. We still don't have the money from the insurance company yet either (though progress has been made), so we're in need of provision soon. We're not going to get a whole lot of money from insurance so we're still brainstorming ideas to cut down our bills and/or bring in more money to make sure we can do it. We have a few ideas (long story and I don't have time to type out more right now), but we'll need the help of some friends in the area to get it done, so please pray somebody can help us there too.
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Re: Car Accident

Postby ClaecElric4God » Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:29 am

Praying, Sno. I really hope things are looking up for you.
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? -Micah 6:8 KJV
They have shewed thee, O teen, what is good; and what doth the world require of thee, but to fit in, be wealthy, have good looks, and be rebellious? -Peer Pressure 1:1
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Re: Car Accident

Postby mysngoeshere56 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:57 pm

Thank you all for your prayers. We finally have a new vehicle, in no small part thanks to a longtime pastor friend of ours. His church had a car donated to them and so he and my mom agreed that if she donated half the money we got from the insurance company to the church, the car would be ours. So far it's been running really well! We're still in the process of getting back her lost wages from work though. Our bodies are gradually healing, but we are definitely feeling the fact that we lost quite a bit of our strength from having to rest them. I was doing a few chores in the past week and my foot spasms came back, but they're already starting to go away again, so I guess that's just a sign that all of this will take time. Just thought I'd give you all an update, and thank you all for your continued prayers! We could still use them but we're glad that some good is already starting to come.
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Re: Car Accident

Postby ClaecElric4God » Fri May 06, 2016 5:11 am

Sorry I just noticed this, but great to hear things are looking up, Sno. Still praying for you!
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? -Micah 6:8 KJV
They have shewed thee, O teen, what is good; and what doth the world require of thee, but to fit in, be wealthy, have good looks, and be rebellious? -Peer Pressure 1:1
"I hate milk; it's like drinking vomit." -Edward Elric and me. :fmed:

ClaecElric4God in regards to Wolfsong - You're the coolness scraped off the top of this morning's ice cream, after being pulled out of a beautiful summer day!
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