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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:04 am
by Ally-Ann
Oh, where do I start? I guess I can start with school...

I'm really struggling with keeping up with ny homework. Only because of two classes do I have papers upon papers to do neaely everyday, even though I don't procrastinate anymore. Not only that, but even the friends that I have at this school don't talk to me a lot. We may make pleasant conversation for a little bit, but always end up getting quiet. They're great people, believe me, but it still just doesn't feel like a true friendship, if you know what I mean. I don't mean to sound demanding of people, but some normal, awkwardless conversation would be nice. I miss ny friends from my old school, and my two best friends (Seriously, best friends ever. We're very close) live 300+ miles away fron in opposite directions. I may be an introvert, but I'm far from anti-social, and I actually like to have good friendships with people. I just don't feel "included" in this school, if you understand what I mean.

Then there's my family. Don't get me wrong, my parents really do love me, but they've been stressed out lately to the point that I've been getting yelled at for almost everything the last few days, and it was for stuff that didn't need to be yelled about. I'm really not a disobedient kid. Pray for my parents and me, as I'm also very sensitive they're trying to get everything in our new house unpacked by Christmas.

And on top of all that, I've got the worst stomach virus I've ever had. I can't even hold fluids down or move my torso without a wave of intense nausea making itself present.

It may sound like a bunch of piddly stuff, but it's really wearing me out and getting me down. Please pray God provides some solace for me. I wasn't able to go to church this morning, and that's usually where I'm calmest.

Re: Miserable

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:35 pm
by SilverToast
Ally-Ann wrote:Oh, where do I start? I guess I can start with school...

I'm really struggling with keeping up with ny homework. Only because of two classes do I have papers upon papers to do neaely everyday, even though I don't procrastinate anymore. Not only that, but even the friends that I have at this school don't talk to me a lot. We may make pleasant conversation for a little bit, but always end up getting quiet. They're great people, believe me, but it still just doesn't feel like a true friendship, if you know what I mean. I don't mean to sound demanding of people, but some normal, awkwardless conversation would be nice. I miss ny friends from my old school, and my two best friends (Seriously, best friends ever. We're very close) live 300+ miles away fron in opposite directions. I may be an introvert, but I'm far from anti-social, and I actually like to have good friendships with people. I just don't feel "included" in this school, if you understand what I mean.

I know how that can be. Moving is hard and adjusting to a new school is as hard. When you get to know your new friends better you can have an easier time talking to them. Maybe ask them questions about themselves during a conversation. I will pray that you can adjust to the school. I didn't adjust to any high school though before college. :p haha

Ally-Ann wrote:Then there's my family. Don't get me wrong, my parents really do love me, but they've been stressed out lately to the point that I've been getting yelled at for almost everything the last few days, and it was for stuff that didn't need to be yelled about. I'm really not a disobedient kid. Pray for my parents and me, as I'm also very sensitive they're trying to get everything in our new house unpacked by Christmas.

It seems like its just stress of moving and adjusting to a new place. Parents can get stressed and frustrated after the move too. Both of mine did that too before and after moving. It happens. It will pass.

Re: Miserable

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:42 pm
by MrKrillz0r

Re: Miserable

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:56 pm
by Yuki-Anne
Moving is tough. It takes time to make new friends in a new place.

Maybe you could sit down and talk to one of your parents about what's happening? Try to catch one of them in a calmer mood, and be loving and honest about the way you feel. Don't be accusatory; rather than saying, "You guys are hurting me" say something like, "When you snap at me about stuff I feel hurt and angry." And listen to them as well; they're probably having a hard time with the move too. Nobody's the bad guy, here.

Praying for you!