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PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:00 pm
by Arya Raiin
Praise! Over the past two months of school, I've made a lot of new friends. However, I would love it if some of you would say a little prayer for me. I want these relationships to grow. But, there's a side of me that's scared of letting people get close. In fact, I tend to greatly distance my self when I feel uncomfortable. I need to overcome my fear, but I can't do it alone.

Also, I would like to ask you to pray for my siblings. I've been out of contact with two of them for a year now. I'd call/email them, but I've never been off on the right foot with them. :/

Also, as I learn how to become a better friend, I find myself wanting a special someone. :$ I've been praying for God to send someone who can protect me, love me, and walk with for six months now. A best friend and a defender. Some wonderful person to enjoy time with, and maybe a future. God's speed, Prince Charming! XD

Anyway, thank you for listening to a star-crossed dreamer's thoughts! God bless!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:10 pm
by K. Ayato
You're 16. You can wait. I understand you're at that age where you start to want that special someone, but I would still encourage you to hold off and focus on school and developing your own identity so that when it's time to venture into the world on your own, you're better prepared.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:11 pm
by Makachop^^128
Happy things are going well so far :) I'll be praying for you.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:25 pm
by Atria35
Praying for your friendships!

Also, it's never too late to start over with your siblings. When I turned 18, I turned over a new leaf with my brother one day out of the blue... and our relationship has never been better. If you feel like calling or emailing them, do it.

K. Ayato (post: 1591178) wrote:You're 16. You can wait. I understand you're at that age where you start to want that special someone, but I would still encourage you to hold off and focus on school and developing your own identity so that when it's time to venture into the world on your own, you're better prepared.

Echoing this. You need to concentrate on you and yourself. Not everyone finds someone to love them and marry them, and you can't put your life on hold wanting and waiting for it. Since you're on the verge of going out in the world, this is really the time to settle in and prepare yourself, because if you don't know yourself and have some skills for living on your own you'll be in trouble.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:51 pm
by Arya Raiin
K. Ayato (post: 1591178) wrote:You're 16. You can wait. I understand you're at that age where you start to want that special someone, but I would still encourage you to hold off and focus on school and developing your own identity so that when it's time to venture into the world on your own, you're better prepared.

Yes, I understand that. I don't really care about the "Ooo I've got a boyfriend" thing. I guess what I mean to say is that I want to create more friendships with guys that could bless the two of us. I've been getting pretty good at that with the girls, but we should treat our Christian brothers and sisters with mutual love and respect. I want to have a relationship that will help both of us grow.

I do agree though, a boyfriend would be terribly distracting. Stressful as well, and I don't want that. @.@

Thank you Ayato, I did need to clarify what I meant. I didn't explain it correctly from the begining. o.o;

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:55 pm
by Nygam
The situation I hear sounds like a double edge sword if that makes any sense. As a guy, I can relate with something like this, that you wished everything in your high school becomes something special in your life. I hope that while you wait for someone special in your life, you will continue to being a light to your friends and the people potential of becoming another friend, high school is normally the tough learning process, at least for me it was and even after high school. Hope all is well. :)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:49 am
by Xeno
Arya Raiin (post: 1591302) wrote:Yes, I understand that. I don't really care about the "Ooo I've got a boyfriend" thing. I guess what I mean to say is that I want to create more friendships with guys that could bless the two of us. I've been getting pretty good at that with the girls, but we should treat our Christian brothers and sisters with mutual love and respect. I want to have a relationship that will help both of us grow.

Well boys are people just like girls are. The only thing you're going to run into at your age is that in a male, their hormones are going crazy right now, and you trying to approach them to become a friend could possibly send the wrong message unless you set boundaries pretty early that you're only interested in being their friend. Just use common interests and what not to meet new people at school or church or where ever you typically meet people. Meeting guys isn't all that different from meeting girls your own age.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:33 am
by HetalianKatana4
I am praying for you. You actually remind me of me. I understand severing yourself from others. My reason isn't out of fear. It's mainly because I've found that no matter what I do, people don't seem to care about me at my school. The place is full of cliques. I can also understand wanting "that special someone". I don't have a boyfriend and I don't want one because of distractions, but I do have a very good friend that cares for me and I want to date him in the future. You're smart in waiting. Maybe you can find someone that can be a best friend now and maybe a good boyfriend later if everything falls as planned. You're not alone. High school stinks socially :(