Postby CrystalChalice » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:19 am
Hi guys, I kinda have a prayer request. My classes will resume in a few days and I'm a bit afraid to go because of my advisory teacher. You see, his moods are sort of unpredictable, and he's not really likable to the other teachers and students. He also seems to be keeping a grudge against some of my batchmates over some issues that we don't even know. I don't even know if I can call this guy a bully teacher, but his behavior is something that keeps me on my tiptoes. Any advice on this situation is greatly appreciated as well.
Whatever the season in life, the RIGHT attitude makes all the difference.
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1-2
"Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might; you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about the friends whom you loved for as long as you live."
The Third Rule of Fairy Tail
"Mistakes are not shackles that halt one from stepping forward. Rather, they are that which sustain and grow one's heart.
Mavis Vermilion, Fairy Tail
When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.
Avatar Aang, The Legend of Korra