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A Praise for Scout

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A Praise for Scout

Postby animechica » Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:23 am

In my town there's a grocery store that has cats living behind it. It's a beautiful place and it's been the birthplace of many, many awesome cats that I've had the privilege of knowing.

Well... this summer, one of the females back there had kittens.
She had 8 kittens and one of them was a runt.
She was an awesome little cat. Even though she was the smallest, she was the only one who was brave enough to come up to me and my boyfriend. We would hold her and cuddle her and I think she even purred once.

I named her Scout because she had such a curious and friendly personality.
Whenever my boyfriend and I would go to see the kittens, we would always focus on Scout. She was always full of life and happy to see us.

Well, today we went back to see the kittens as usual and we were looking for Scout, when my boyfriend suddenly said "Oh! There she is." As I looked over, I saw her lying very still on one of the wooden boards back under an old trailer that the cats use for shelter. He said "I hope she's okay..." as my stomach started sinking. I said, "She doesn't look okay..."

I cried so much for little Scout. She was barely weaned and her body just seemed to conk out. I think she might have had a birth defect because she wasn't growing like the other kittens and she was really skinny.

We buried her back there and picked wildflowers to put on a grave we marked with old bricks.

I still feel horrible and just want my little Scout back, but I have to say, I'm so thankful that I even had this much time with her. I love every cat that God puts into my life. I'm just so thankful that I had the honor of knowing her... it was kinda inspiring how even though her body was weak, she had so much spirit.

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Joined: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:55 pm

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