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Two sides of the spectrum

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Two sides of the spectrum

Postby CelebixUxie » Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:08 pm

I've got both a praise and a prayer. :/ The good news is, my younger brother just got baptized today. ^-^ First thing I said to him when I got to talk to him was, "You're lucky I don't wear make-up..." XP Yes, I meant my face was leaking. Please pray for him as he continues his walk with Christ. ^-^

My prayer is for my dad. He's been going off to a police acedemy for quite some time now, only coming home on the weekends. It's getting harder and harder to watch him go, for both my family and him. He just left again a few minutes ago, and it didn't help that I was watching a sad episode of 'Chi's Sweet Home' when he said good-bye. ;-; Again, water-works.....I don't think I've cried so much in one day in a long while...

~God Bless, Yoru.
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Postby Anystazya » Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:48 pm

ah, I'm happy for your brother ^^ If I may ask, how old is he? (you don't have to tell me though, if you don't want to) I myself have been wanting to get baptized, especially since the opportunity to do it down in the river has arisen ^^ I'll pray for his walk with the Lord :thumb:

I'll pray for your dad too. I don't have an issue like this, since my dad is a pastor, but I know people have gone through something similar, and I even have a friend who has never met her dad because he left them... I actually have an uncle who is a soldier in the war in Afghanistan :|

Anyhow, I'll definitely be praying for you and your family :)
[color="Plum"]Do not let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good. - Job 40:2 NLT[/color]

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