Reon (post: 1295446) wrote:Shining, what does he do? I'm not talking about when he gets in that state/mood. Whats he do when he wakes up, with his free time, the music he listens to, the video games he plays.
Now it's my belief that music can influence you and has different effects on people, but for me I was a mixture of rock & rap and coming right off a video game background to (with shooters/rpgs - rpgs not being the key factor there) then a life without them (when I changed around my life) I noticed a lot of changes. My aggressive driving stood out to me even though I had always been told about it by others. I'm CONSTANTLY told this one "When I'm listening to techno I just catch myself driving faster" from friends.
Apart from music, television, what you read, who you spend your time with. I'm just really curious about his influences. When someones addicted to something, sometimes the second they leave that thing (whether they play video games 24/7 or listen to music) they get angry, feel uncomfortable etc. For me it was video games, I'd stop playing and get mad quickly around my family. Good luck having trying to told me that though. For my x-girlfriend when she wasn't listening to her music (didn't have it for a day) she'd get super cranky =X Bleh. She also had some serious abandonment issues, which is why we came to the conclusion she talks "mean" to the ones she loves (not that it makes it right but shes working on it still).
In another post I posted about the tongue and the power it has, it reminded me how much power our tongue has. Well if you think about the eyes and the ears... You could consider this verse illustrative or literal I suppose -
[font="Book Antiqua"]Matthew 6:22-23 [color="RoyalBlue"]The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness![/color][/font]
I'll keep praying that God will reveal what it is to you guys, especially your brother. Sometimes he might need to be the one to see it before he can change.
God Bless.
Ratrace (post: 1297053) wrote:Has your brother always been that way or is this new?
He was always like this as a kid but not as severe as in recent years.
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