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loneliness and depression

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:31 pm
by edochick
thank all of you for praying for me and commenting on my last thread. they really helped.

today though, my best friend and i (the one i mentioned last time), sat down and asked God what we should do about our relationship. he basically told us both that we couldn't continue on with it if we didn't put him first. that we needed distance from each other.

now...this is really hard for me. she's been my comfort for so long now, having God alone seems foreign to me. after she left my house tonight, it really hit me. (because my mom isn't letting her come over anymore, or at least for a few months) this would be the last time i'd get to see her, aside from school. the last time i'd really get to spend time with my best friend. i've been crying off and on all day, and just typing this makes me feel pathetic.

i know i've been very dependent on her, to the point that people think there's something between us. God needs to be back at number one for me again. i just need prayer...that i can get through this separation. that i'd stop being so lonely and just learn to find my peace and strength through God instead of through her. i don't know if it's permanent or only temporary. but either way, please pray for me. i want to WANT to follow what God has planned.

thank you.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:45 pm
by K. Ayato
Praying for you. You're on the right track, hon. Friends are great to have around, but only God can give you ultimate satisfaction and a sense of belonging. *Hugs* You'll get there.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:20 pm
by Kamille
I'm praying for you and thank God you have chosen wisely. Choosing God first is always the best choice we can make.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:42 am
by Shilohan ninja
Sounds like you are on the right track in doing this. It's good to have friends you can turn to, but Jesus is the one you should be focusing on the most because He's the only one who will never let you down, evet.
I once heard this annalogy from a guest speaker at my church by the name of Dean Nipherodis (not sure if that's how you spell it, he's a little greek fireball that likes to talk a mile a minute, so yeah)
Anyway, here goes: your relationship with God is like a married couple; say you're both out for a walk in the park and the man is talking with his wife when a young woman walks by; the man suddenly looks at her and goes "HEY, BABY! WHAT'S HAPPENIN'!"; the man is now distracted from his wife (the woman his attention is supposed to be focused on) by another woman, and it happens frequently. The man always quickly reverts his attention back to his wife breifly and appologizes before another young woman walks by, once again distracting him from his first love.
It's kinda the same with you and your friend. True that she may be an awesome friend and all, but it sounds like she was distracting you from your first love, Christ. That's not to say she's a horrible person or anything remotely like that, but at the same time, it's good that you've been able to separate yourselves from each other so you can forcus on God. Keep it up. I pray the Lord will give you peace and patients in this test. God bless you in all that you do.