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Prayer for my church: Pastor might be leaving...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:26 pm
by ChristianKitsune
I guess it's a common thing...for pastor's to move know?

But remarkably, I have never ever had to deal with least until this year...

I've been a member of my church for as long as I can remember...ever since 1994 (with a year and a half of absense because we moved a way temporarilly, but we never forgot the "family" that this church held for us...and we were so happy when we came back and everyone we knew was still there.)

So it's a solid 12 years since we have been back...and my pastor has been there for 14 years..(quite remarkable in this day in age for a pastor to stay that long... or so I've heard) He also doubled as my youth pastor..(our church is tiny, but then again, so is our town of 1800 people XD we have about 100 members, but we also have to share with 5 other churches... )

But anyways... I owe a lot of what I have learned about God to this man, and his awesome wife. I feel that I am a stronger Christian because of the love that they show for all of us... He may not be a perfect person...but none of us are...

It seems that our church is finally starting to grow bigger... our sunday school attendance has grown 70 percent in the last year.... and I just am scared that if my pastor leaves... it will affect our church...

I'll admit it, I'm selfish! I want him to stay... I need to work on that. If this is God's will that my Pastor is to leave, then I guess it's His will and I NEED to accept that...

but I couldn't stop crying today during church...My sunday school teacher was telling us that he sent some information about how much it would cost for this other church to have him preach there...and the other church accepted could find out before Easter whether or not my Pastor is leaving or not...

Please pray for me guys.... I really adore this family... they are so laid back and's awesome... my heart isn't ready to feel it's okay for him to leave... Pray that my heart will mold into what God's will is here...

And Pray for my Church... please...we haven't been without a pastor before... I'm worried that it will send us into turmoil... We have very capable deacons...but .... yeah..

Thanks guys..


PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:29 pm
by Sheenar
Will do Kit-chan. (correct?)

I've been in a couple of churches going through the same thing. My home church went through an interim period w/o a youth pastor --sure, our numbers dwindled, but those of us still there grew closer and were part of questioning/interviewing our potential new youth pastor (who did indeed get the job).

More recently, (a year ago today) our current worship minister came to our church. The one before him had left because of God's leading, and it was hard for a little while without him --he was well-liked and we missed him --but I think we have the man God wants for the job.

So God will make a way. Remember that He's in control.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:57 am
by Mave
God moves His Pastors wherever He wishes to even if it impacts the church in some way (in the end, it's always for the good). God owns the church, the pastors don't. We are only His servants. =)

Most importantly, pray that your pastor is sincerely listening to His calling. Sometimes, it's good to be moved around before one gets too comfortable in a certain ministry and starts believing that he/she owns it.

I'll pray that you'll be comforted and develop more faith in God in regards to this matter.