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Wisdom teeth

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:18 pm
by silver_wolf454
Yeah....I spelled that wrong. >..> Oh well...

Tomorrow I will be undergoing surgery to get my teeth removed. Yay! :shake: It's a pretty general thing, but I still would like prayer for a smooth surgery and recovery. ^^

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:17 pm
by K. Ayato
Will do. I had 'em taken out 3 years ago. You'll be fine. :)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:32 pm
by Tarnish
I'll be praying for you, Silvy.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:55 pm
Yeah, I had mine taken out last June. It isn't as bad as getting braces for sure, but it will take you 2 weeks for your mouth to fully heal. But this does not mean you need to wait that long to eat solid food. Infact probably by the fourth or fifth day you may attempt to eat solid food. I remember when I got mine taken out not too long ago. And after a while you will be glad you got them taken out at so young an age because if you waited till later you would probably have some problems. So I pray that your surgery will go well and that the Lord will be with you through it!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:32 pm
by AsianBlossom
I'll be praying. I got mine out July 05 and my brother got his out in...October of this year I think...yeah...

Anyways, I recommend taking it easy, NO BENDING OVER, and eating things like pureed ramen noodles (make sure you let them cool first or your blender will explode...we learned that the hard way ^_^U ) and milkshakes or smoothies (no seeds though, or anything that could get stuck in your stitches!). But overall, just take the time to relax.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:55 pm
by Blitzkrieg1701
I just pray that your painkillers work. When I had mine out, I pretty much slept through most of the bad recovery period thanks to those puppies. My sister, on the other hand, reacted badly to them and had to endure the pain the hard way. NOT pretty.

But yeah, I'm praying!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:37 pm
by silver_wolf454
Thanks guys ^^ I'll try to post tomorrow afterwards.....if I can type XDXD I'm supposed to be pretty drugged up. lolz

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:37 am
by CephasWhite
I had mine out half a year ago. It's a good procedure. I got drugged up and they came out swift and easy...except I'm missing a large chunk of gum on my bottom right side...

Anyways, I'll be praying for you Silvy-chan. *hugs* May your procedure go well.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:02 pm
by AsianBlossom
I hope it all went well; she's most likely resting and maybe a little out of it right now...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:54 pm
Yeah, don't worry if all you do the first few days is sleep because thats basically what I did. And you do need your sleep, don't try to force yourself to stay awake!!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:59 am
by silver_wolf454
Lolz I'm fine it all went smoothly. I'm very groggy though. Lolz, pain pills will do that to you I suppose. Thanks again you guys for all your prayers I love you all so much.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:42 pm
Thats good to hear! I hope your recovery goes smoothly!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:07 pm
by RobinSena
Had mine out 2 months ago.. One word of advice. Go slow with the food. As much as you might want to eat something real, infections are no fun. Praying for a speedy recovery though. =) Oh, and get plenty of rest. The more rest you get, the faster you'll bounce back.