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I Thought God Was Done With The Water Gig...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:14 am
by Sakaki Onsei
A little humor to spice up this request for y'all. Remember that God created the rainbow as an indication that he would never flood the earth again.

Now, onto the request:

My neck of the woods got hit very hard by storms that came through, and the town my parents live in is an island. See, my parents live in a coastal town called Tillamook. On one side of the town (north), one river has gone over the banks, over the bridge for Hwy 101, and was/is pouring water down the highway. On the south side, another river has made 101 impassible. And, to the east, the road was blocked by mudslides, which have now been cleared.

Still, I have been unable to reach my parents, and been trying to find out more info. I guess my prayer is not just for my parents, who are dealing with this storm, but the entirety of Oregon, that this storm can be a teaching lesson for all of them.

And...with that...I go to bed.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:27 am
by Gabriel 9.0
Praying for you as well. I can't wait till God comes back to solve every problem on this current Earth.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:06 pm
by SP1
There is a Red Cross evacuation center in Tillamook:

you will probably have to get with the Red Cross to contact folks, but as the article states, there are phone and power outages. The protocol for evacuation shelters like this is for the personnel at the shelter to contact one relative outside the problem area, so that that person can notify everyone else. Otherwise, the flood of incoming calls (several calls per evacuee) will swamp the communications system. So you might want to call any other relatives to see if they have heard anything. Or you can just go with the Red Cross directly and see if they will take a health and welfafe inquiry from you.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:05 am
by Sakaki Onsei
My parents are doing alright. The ones who aren't are the ones to the north and the south of the downtown area.

Cell phone service is out, but somehow my dad got a message to my aunt in McMinnville that he and my stepmom are alright.

Still, prayers for the people of Tillamook, Chehalis (Washington), and Woodinville (Washington) are definetely needed.