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Prayer for an unsaved

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:23 pm
by Momo-P
I don't know this person very well, but I don't need to in order to be concerned.

This person apparently lives in part of the world where many other gods can still be worshipped. While they have said they sometimes pray to the Christian God for guidance and stuff, due to their upbringing, they obviously pray to those gods and attend family events involving those gods as well. scares and depresses me. A person who totally doesn't believe in Christ at all has a chance to become a Christian, but with this person I really want to fight. The fact that they're interested brings a lot of hope in my heart. I mean...I've seen some of the stuff they've said. They do ask questions a lot. Sadly they just don't seem like they can make up their mind, and part of this I believe has to do with the fact that, they're gay.

Please pray for this person if you I said, I really don't them at all, but have just seen the stuff they're said and done. I really want them saved.

Also a tiny request on the side, someone I know has also been going through some weird medical problems that she's never went through before. Like she's had little spells of stuff, but never anything like this. Please pray that it's not extra baggage or her problems getting worse or anything like that. x_x

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 12:22 pm
by LadyRushia
I know how it feels to know a non-believer and just have this passion to tell them about Christ even though there are bunches of other people who need you to tell them about Him.

So this person asks you questions? That's a very good start. With that whole believing in many gods thing, I guess one question you could ask him/her is why there can be gods that each control a certain thing, but not a big powerful God who controls all.

The main thing is to be this person's friend if you can and to ask him/her lots of questions about what he/she believes. That way, he/she will more readily listen to you(trust me, this method worked on my formerly wiccan, formerly hardcore atheist, slightly bisexual friend). People of different faiths(or lack of faith) appreciate it when Christians decide to understand where they're coming from. Even if this person doesn't come to faith by talking to you, at least he/she will have a different view of Christians :P

I kinda rambled a bit(maybe) ^^;; I'll pray.

P.S. We both have winking avatars! How lovely! XD

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:19 pm
by ~darkelfgirl~
I'll pray for them.

We're in the same boat. My friend (she's Buddhist) had been asking me questions about Christianity and stuff.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:07 am
by Nikolai Melodie
Please PM me.

I've struggled with sexuality vs. religion for a very, very long time. I may be able to help you out. :] If you'd choose otherwise, I'll still be praying for you.