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Prayer for a little fuzzy friend.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:11 pm
by SolidÃ…rmor
My wife was playing with our hamster Antti, and he jumped out of her hand and landed pretty hard on the floor. We have carpet, but I think he may have injured his left front leg. He's walking with a wobble, and my wife keeps blaming herself for his injury. If any of you would say a little prayer for a little friend it would be grately appreciated. :( We may have to take him to the vet, which is money we don't have...but I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that he's ok.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:20 pm
by K. Ayato
Sure. Poor little guy. I hope his leg isn't broken. Hamsters are fragile critters.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:37 pm
by bakura_fan
having had four hamsters in my life (one was blind, one's leg was bitten by our pomeranian, one had a tooth problem, and the one I have now is fine*but albino*), I know exactly how ya feel. ;-; I'll pray for the little guy/gal.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:25 am
by Tsukuyomi
Awww, I will deffintally pray for him :) And, please tell your wife it isn't her fault :)

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:58 am
by Danderson
A hamster was my first pet I ever had.......will definetly be praying....

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:56 pm
by SolidÃ…rmor
Hamster update!!! Thank you all for your prayers, Antti seems to be back to his old trouble making self. It's a true miracle that God would heal a little critter like him, and knowing I didn't get a wink of sleep after his fall. Hopefully, He can heal me just like He did my hamster. So again thank you all so much.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:54 pm
by ~darkelfgirl~
I'll be praying