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Spiritual Gifts...?

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Spiritual Gifts...?

Postby Okami » Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:55 pm

Ack, and here I thought I was going to get away from the computer this week. Well, now this has come up, and I really feel like it needs some prayers.

This morning I got my braces taken off and as dad and I were on the way home, they had Pastor Greg Laurie's "A New Beginning" on the radio station we were listening to, the topic being Spiritual Gifts.

Over the past couple of years of being a Christian, I've continuously sought to figure out what my Gift is and how to use it in a wise and proper manner that glorifies the Lord. I once thought that it was art, but Satan eventually turned that against me. Later still I thought it might be music. Even though this will be my sixth year being in Choir, I've got to admit that it isn't my calling, but a simple side-hobby and a way of worship.

But over the past few months, if not years, I've noticed one major thing. The impact I have on people. I'm not a popular, or even remotely popular person, but yet somehow someone always wants to talk to me about something.

Many of you know the struggles I've been dealing with, and how I've come here to help others with the use of the General Lust Prayer Thread.

So I've been praying. Praying long and hard. I'm beginning to think my Gift might be the Gift of Advice (although I don't know what that would 'technically' be called, I've gotta go do some Bible digging as soon as I get a new Bible*)

Why do I think this? For quite some time now I've been giving tips and advice to my friends. The nature of these things isn't quite the point, it's just that even when my trying to help doesn't feel like it's helping at all, in my opinion, that's usually when my advice works the greatest. A lot of this stuff has to do with boyfriend issues and girly things, but the fact is, I've never had a boyfriend, so most of my advice is what A.) I would do in the particular situation or B.) What the Bible says about the issue.

It's so weird! I can't figure it out. All I'm trying to do is hold people accountable, help them make the best decisions, and get them to a place where they feel content with their life; not to mention showing them the Light if they are not believers. I enjoy giving out advice and helping people when they need it.
But I'm confused, could this truly be the gift God has given me, to help others?

Please pray that God shows me what He wants for my's just one big mess right now!

*We had a dillema last night, one of the dogs peed all over one of my blankets and it spread to my copy of Every Young Woman's Battle and my Bible (the damage was pretty bad, it soaked through seven, if not more, books of the old testament, the books surrounding and including Psalm, if I remember correctly :stressed: )
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Postby Danderson » Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:33 pm

Will be prayin....sounds like you either just found your purpose, part of your purpose, or a small step to something bigger....
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Postby meboeck » Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:52 pm

I actually sort of feel like I have that same gift. I tend to have an easy time reading people and understanding why they are reacting a certain way to a situation. I'm not sure what this gift would be called, but I definitely understand what you mean. One thing to keep in mind is that you may not just have one gift. Your love of art and music may actually play into your ability to help people by bringing you in contact with artists. Or there may be another talent that you use in your career, but you may use your gift to talk to co-workers or clients. If you know you have the ability to help people through talking to them and giving advice, then just be open to any situation that might arise where you can be used by God. Whatever you do with your life in terms or work or volunteering, if you're open to being used by God, He will put you in the right situations.
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Postby LadyRushia » Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:55 pm

Hmm, you and I are quite simular; I too have never had a boyfriend, yet I always give advice about stuff like that. Also, Satan managed to sneak some nasy things in my last story(which turned into a false idol >_<). Yeah, I was sure that story was gonna be the one, and it turns out it wasn't(thank God for that). It hurt, being broken and put back together again(not to mention some other drama happened during that time).

Anyways, people often have more than one Spiritual Gift. Actually, a lot of them kind of go together so they're all used together. From what I've read in your threads(most noteably the General Lust thread) it seems that in addition to advice you have exhortation, a bit of ministry, and leadership. Yeah, you've definitly inspired and helped a lot of people here struggling with lust. I'm no expert on Gifts by any means, and I don't know you in person, but that's just my guess.

Keep praying on it and learn more about the different Spiritual Gifts. I'm sure you'll know which ones you've been given(you'll feel like you have to go out and do it *right* *now*).


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Postby Sheol777 » Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:41 am

Well I am not certain that 'art' or 'advice' could be considered Spiritual Gifts. However Godly 'Wisdom' used in the area of advice could be one.

There are a few places (2 come to mind) of where Gifts are mentioned in the word. Everyone has at least one gift at the time of salvation and it is quite common for people to have multiple Gifts.

It seems that whatever your gift turns out to be, it should be used for the betterment of the kingdom...and especially towards other christians. After all, gifts are meant to be given.

Also whatever it turns out to be it is good to build on your gift...exercise it. If it happens to be 'Wisdom' proverbs and even memorize. This way you can always be prepared to give sound advice.

PS- Just a warning...this thread may get ugly, try to keep it civil :)
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Postby AsianBlossom » Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:47 pm

Wisdom sounds good...or it could be the gift of counsel...just my personal thought.

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Postby Anna Mae » Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:05 pm

Giving counsel to others could certainly be one of your spiritual gifts. It's okay if you don't know a "technical" name for it; if God has blessed you with that talent, use it!

Also, don't give up on your music and art, particularly the art. Satan can use anything against us, so we shouldn't let fear of that hold us back. We need to be on our guard, but we shouldn't let it cripple us. With God's help, your gift of art can be redeemed.
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Postby LadyRushia » Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:54 pm

Right, God gave some of us talents in writing, music, art, etc., because He wants us to use them and we can use our talents as a means of practising our spiritual gifts, which may result in epic win. And like Anna Mae said, Satan will try to use these things against us.

If writing can be redeemed for me, art can be redeemed for you. I was at my friend's house the other night, depressed about the state of the world, when I saw this little poem hanging on her wall. The last two lines read "All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified." That made me feel better, even though it's gonna take a looooooooooong time for the entire world to be purified.

Point is, don't give up. You'll just have to ask God to guide you and show you how He wants you to use your talents. Who knows? He might show you something that you didn't see coming in 3.1415828656948373462648463845837 years.

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Postby Okami » Sat Sep 01, 2007 1:51 pm

Thanks everyone. I'm definately praying deeper into this...
1 Corinthians 12:8 says "To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice..."
Could that possibly be what this is, even if it doesnt always feel so wise to me?
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Postby meboeck » Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:41 pm

Okami wrote:Thanks everyone. I'm definately praying deeper into this...
1 Corinthians 12:8 says "To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice..."
Could that possibly be what this is, even if it doesnt always feel so wise to me?

I think that may definitely be a good verse to describe your gifting. I have a friend who has recently talked to me about how sometimes he feels like he's just speaking his mind, but afterwards people tell him he really helped and encouraged them. He's even done that to me before. If you have that gift, you won't necessarily feel like you're giving wise advice because the it will be God speaking His wisdom through you.
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Postby LadyRushia » Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:52 pm

Yeah, you may not realize that you have a gift until someone tells you since it feels so natural. That's why it's good that you posted this thread because other people's accounts of your acts can help you figure out which gifts you have. Also, ask your believing friends what they think.
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Postby Ryupower » Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:31 pm

I'll pray.
Technically I think you may have the gift of "ministering" to people.

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