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The devil is a fat lard...

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:56 am
by Artist4Jesus89
Well yeah he is... he is always throwing crap in my way to make me fall and reconsider my walk with God... what is it this time? (and mainly) ... hmmm guys.... yes that is what i said guys... even though i dont wanna date and i wanna serve God with my whole heart... now that im 17 and made my commitment more guys are asking me out than i would like...... well a lot happened im not going to go into for the sake of time but heres the thing... i think i can keep my walk with God all right and stuff and then the devil sends a really good looking guy to ask me out and then im so chicken i dont wanna say no cause the devil tells me it could be my future husband and last opp but i know it isnt cause what God has told me..... OMG idk what to do... im pretty much ticked off at this point!!!!!!!
So yeah its quite interesting.... anyways no im not dating anyone but i feel like this one guy i like is goign to ask me out and as much as i dont want to ill have to say no.... but how... and will i have the strength that i havent had with the last 3?
Not so sure anymore to be honest ... esp after the wonderful night we had last night...... so yeah.... gah... please pray i have strength

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:41 am
by K. Ayato
Tell him (and any other that might show up in the future) that you're not ready for a relationship that's deeper than being friends. It takes a lot to say no, and I understand your struggles. I'll be praying God gives you more courage. In the meantime, keep at it, hon!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:36 am
by Danderson
Amen to the devil being a fat lard.....
I agree with what K-Chan says, but as for the devil throwing thoughts at you, there's a good way that you can get rid of them...By telling them yourself...
Seriously, if you treat your thoughts like a person then tell them (in your head or out loud) that they have no place in your head becuase you belong to Jesus, then they should leave....
They'll be back every now and then, but remember that they (the thoughts) or their master (Satan) have no power over you becuase you really do belong to Jesus....Will be prayin....

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:40 am
by AsianBlossom

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:57 pm
by Doubleshadow
Praying for you. I wish we could talk this out in real life. Remember, you are God's girl first, and no man on Earth is going to be better to you than He is. Try to think of it objectively: he may be cute, but he'll age and wither, he may be strong, but he'll become weak and rot, he may be charming, but that's worse because its easier for him to trick you. Try to keep on mind, if won't honor Jesus, not only is it bad, it will inevitably hurt.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:07 pm
by Tenshi no Ai