You may have seen this in the news, but then again maybe not. Much of what goes on here in Africa is overlooked by the world. There is a major crisis going on in Zimbabwe, and many lives are being affected in ways we cannot magine. Here is a short caption from a blog written by one of the other---
World Racers, Annie Bower.
"ZIMBABWE COLLAPSES," was the big headline of the South African newspaper yesterday. Apparently Zimbabwe has been experiencing horrific inflation with
the highest rate in the world. Economists estimate the inflation rat to
be between 5000 and 9000%. Many families in Zimbabwe can no longer afford food due to the inflation. In an effort to eliminate the price problem
President Mugabe issued a mandatory price cut of 50% off all goods and services on Saturday. As a result many Zimbabwe residents rushed to the grocery stores and gas stations to stock up. Within hours stores were emptied and are not expected to restock, because producers can no longer make a profit by selling their goods in Zimbabwe. Many shop owners have been arrested for not cutting prices and riots have broken out over bread, oil, and sugar. Normally a story like this in a newspaper would seem so far away and not connected to me. I would feel bad for the people that are going through the difficulty and maybe even pray that they would have food to put on their table. But then, I would probably go about my day and not think about the people of Zimbabwe until I read more in the newspaper or saw scenes of chaos on the news.
This is a link to an article about some of the people who are risking
their lives to cross into South Africa to escape the hoplessness in Zimbabwe.
There are thousands if not millions of people who have been forced to
their homes in search of a way to survive. Can you imagine what it would be
like to watch helplessly as your country and everything you depend on
dissolves into chaos? What would you do?<>
Please get on your knees and pray for these people. Pray that the
here in South Africa will step up and offer hope to these desperate
Also pray that God will give the World Racers and opportunity to help
them, and also bring them the hope of Christ.
Let's not shrug this off, everyone! These people are in serious need of prayer! I believe that Prayer can work, no matter how hopeless the sitation is!