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need sleep... need sleep... v_v

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need sleep... need sleep... v_v

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:32 am

Well, it seems that for the past 2 weeks, I've been scheduled to work almost exclusively in the early morning (waking up at 7:30-8 is early for me) and it's just been ruining my sleep cycle :/ Since I'm getting so used to waking up early, even on my days off (like today) or when I'm scheduled to work later, I can't sleep in and get enough hours in, no matter how I try. Before, I was getting SO tired before it started to get late at night, and now to make things much "better", my body feels like it's more awake rather than tired at night, so I'm not as disciplined at going to bed early so I can get enough sleep in....

Now, I check the schedule for next week, and 4/5 days involve me getting up at early hours, yet again :/ already now I'm going to work feeling like I'm an undead or something, dragging myself along, trying to do my best, although my brain is not totally there half the time. And, I just know that the week after my shifts will probably end up being all over the place (the joys of part-time :/), yet I will STILL have my internal clock set to waking up early :/ Oy...

So prayer would be much appreciated during this time of tiredness, blahness, and hoping that it won't get so bad, that I end up getting weak or sick or anything :/ Yeah, I know I could talk to my manager about it, but I'm not sure how it would be with the scheduling, and I hate complaining about stuff like that to them v_v
神 は、 その 独り 子 を お与え に なった ほど に 世 お愛 された。
独り 子 を 信じる 者 が 一人 も滅 ひない で, 永遠 の 命 お得る ため で ある。

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Postby christianfriend » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:04 pm

Oh man do I know what that is like..I'll be praying for you ^^
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Postby rsnumber2 » Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:54 pm

I'll be praying for you.
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Postby SailorDove » Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:38 am

Ah, understand & empathize with you. I agree in prayer with you 3. For help in this matter. God Bless.

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