Wife walked out on me

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Postby Yuki-Anne » Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:40 pm

Bobtheduck (post: 1591851) wrote: I honestly wanted to send them the full contents of our facebook and email correspondences from February, when things got the worst, but the woman said she didn't want me to send it, because "I already have enough paperwork."

Oh, man, the amount of paperwork that particular woman has is SO not your problem. You need to give the police all the evidence you have that your wife is lying, regardless of whether one particular officer "already has enough paperwork."

I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you, but I do have this to say in response to your brother's advice: regardless of your wife's mental illness, you need to set up boundaries that protect your own welfare. If you coddle her and allow behavior that is neither right nor healthy, you are not doing her or yourself any favors. Judging by what you're posting I'd say that you are doing the best that you can in an impossible situation. I'm praying for you.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:15 am

She called again today, after a long silence. She lied to me about what the woman from Women's welfare had said. She very explicitly told me at the end that it didn't seem like there was any abuse going on, but she wanted to ask me more questions the next day, in an hour interview. I never got that call.

I confronted her about lying to the woman, saying we'd kicked her out of the house or neglecting to tell her we'd moved out and that she walked out me, and she just repeated her accusations about me and wouldn't let me talk, so when I talked over her, she said "this conversation is over" and hung up.

At least I shouldn't be expecting harassing phone calls this time. This is the third number she's called me on, which I'm not going to be blocking unless she starts harassing me with texts late night, again, like she did before.

That aside, I'm a mess since all of this has taken place. I have ADD (which she doesn't believe in, thinks I'm making it up and I'm just lazy or my parents haven't let me do things on my own) and my concentration has dropped out from under me, and I've completely checked out a number of times.

I've also got mental blocks about the weirdest things. I've found it difficult, for instance, to pour a full glass of milk. That's sort of difficult to explain. The stress of this has wrecked me. The more serious blocks I have relate to my homework... I've got projects to do, homework for class... If I can make it through this term, I may drop the classes next term and just work or something during that time, because the added stress of school to all of this can't be helping me, honestly...
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Postby Xeno » Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:29 am

In response to that, I'm going to repost this:

Yuki-Anne (post: 1592821) wrote:Oh, man, the amount of paperwork that particular woman has is SO not your problem. You need to give the police all the evidence you have that your wife is lying, regardless of whether one particular officer "already has enough paperwork."

I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you, but I do have this to say in response to your brother's advice: regardless of your wife's mental illness, you need to set up boundaries that protect your own welfare. If you coddle her and allow behavior that is neither right nor healthy, you are not doing her or yourself any favors.

I again hope you're keeping records of all the calls and text messages she is continuing to make to you and the discussions that are being had. This whole thing seems like it's going to just continue to get worse until something is done about it. As Yuki said, give those facebook messages to the officer/detective. So what if she already has a lot of paperwork. They're always going to have paperwork to deal with, that's their job, to deal with paperwork and cases, and this is part of your case so load her down if you have to with every last shred of evidence you have.
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Postby agasfas » Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:43 pm

Sorry to hear about all of this. This all seems over my head. I will keep you in my prayers.
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