My personal belief about masturbation is that it's a-ok within moderation. It gives pleasure. That's it. It's like eating an ice cream sandwich. You eat it because it tastes good. But if you eat too much you become obese and rot your teeth. Reliance on masturbation can have a negative effect on your spiritual life (turning to sexual pleasure as a relief rather than appealing to God and working your way through difficult issues) and also your relationships with others. I don't believe that God would give men and women pleasure centers and then deny them their use because they hadn't found someone to share their bodies and lives with.
I also disagree that masturbation is only aided by visuals or fantasies. That's like saying that I need to read something while I eat.
Popsicle (post: 1243192) wrote:When I referred to the Song of Solomon verse earlier I wasn't specifically talking about masturbation being the only thing talked about in that verse. If you are guarding your heart, mind, and body from sexual temptations and if masturbation prevents you from doing that and you still do it, then that would be awakening love too early.
SP1 (post: 1243150) wrote:I had a discussion recently about a woman that was accepted into advanced degree work leading to a good career. The man she loved had proposed. Part way into the engagement, he starts printing out bible verses about how she needs to quit school and be the stay at home mom, because it's her biblical role. I was asked my opionion. Which was: dump this guy, if he's this bad now, it's just going to get more abusive later.
Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
SirThinks2Much (post: 1243186) wrote:A few more thoughts...
I see quite a few people have mentioned a line in Song of Solomon on not awakening love, which they equate to masturbation. This is like saying that when a male lead bangs some random chick in an action movie, he loves her.
Sex =/= love.
ShiroiHikari (post: 1243230) wrote:THANK YOU.
minakichan wrote:First of all, sorry that we can't be asexual buddies. But I get the feeling you wouldn't like to be called an "asexual buddy" so I guess that's OK.
minakichan wrote:Unless I really AM asexual O_O.
minakichan wrote:I'm wondering if there are drugs or surgery options that will make me stop having periods and hormone issues. I want the chemical balance of a man. Except that didn't come out right.
minakichan wrote:Why do people who have arranged marriages not get divorced? Oh wait, that's probably because they'd get stoned to death or something ._.
minakichan wrote:You made me feel better, UC.
SirThinks2Much wrote:Also, there seems to be some confusion as to what asexuality is. Here is a good link on the subject:
Their FAQ also has helpful information.
AVEN wrote:Asexual people have the same emotional needs as anyone else
minakichan (post: 1242941) wrote:Thanks for the long response Prince, I really like that. It makes me feel like I'm not just spouting air.
Aw heck, I know it's not love =P To be honest to you and to myself, I hated that guy because I liked him, because I hated those weak, stupid, false feelings like affection for another human being. As emo as it sounds, I really despise human beings and clingy human relationships... I'm not looking for a relationship]
You're going to have to be clearer if you can. You hated him because you liked him with a clingy human relationship feeling?
P.S. Please don't shoot me in the head if you were being clear and I was too stupid to understand.minakichan (post: 1242941) wrote:....Rant time. I feel like I want to be male for the same reasons that a poor person wants to be rich or a sick person wants to be healthy. Am I comparing being female to having a disease? Yes, and I know some people will find that offensive, but this is my opinion. Being a girl SUCKS. Having a period SUCKS. Having tons of boundaries and expectations set on you just because you were born with and without certain body parts SUCKS. (It doesn't help that I'm also Asian.) There's a reason that Mulan is my favorite Disney movie of all time.
Being a girl can suck. Culturally, I know girls have it rough. I mean, we each have our own physical problems, but the way people have treated girls nowadays is bad. You aren't valuable if you're not sexy, you aren't worth anything unless you're willing to raise a family, or your main goal in life is to obey and to please a man. I agree, those things suck. I know that culturally, men are not scrutinized near to the degree you are.
Oh, what does being Asian have to do with being born with and without certain body parts?minakichan (post: 1242941) wrote:I think one of the reasons I hate being female and don't ever want to get married is really because of the Bible-- women must obey their husbands as slaves obey their masters, and while I know people will point out that husbands must be loving and humans are born equal, heck, there is NO WAY I'll willingly go into a relationship as the submissive and obedient role.
If God ordained it that way, then it is good from a Christian perspective.
But remember the 'If'. The only two points where men and women differentiate in roles they are not allowed to have is leadership in the church and making the final decisions in marriage. Plus, what men do and what women do are different, they are not inferior. I even have an article in my Apologetics Study Bible that agrees with me. So wives are not slaves to their husbands, you've got it wrong. That, or someone has created that impression for you. Heck, my own Mom and older sister have a messed up view of women's roles here on earth.
But if you don't want to be submissive in that regard, that's fine. That's not a sin. I wouldn't recommend getting married though, if that's your attitude. But while you're single, that's perfectly alright.minakichan (post: 1242941) wrote:Some will call it pride and selfishness, and I agree, but why is it essentially OK for guys to have these traits while girls can't? I'm sorry. I've met tons of girls in church who believe that they are intrinsically inferior beings because they were created that way, from a body part, as a weak copy of a superior original, because of Christian teachings.
Those girls of yours are just plain wrong, like many Christian girls today. The reason men are leaders in marriage and in the church is because they are the ones picked for the job, not because we are superior. This is one of the reasons why one of my favorite sayings is "Theology Matters". People would lose a lot of these misconceptions if they just studied the Bible.minakichan (post: 1242941) wrote:That just as Man is inferior to God, Woman is proportionately inferior to Man. All because some stupid, stupid woman thousands of years ago wanted a piece of FRUIT. I'm sorry, I'm ranting, I'm hysterical. That's because I'm a woman]
I need to rant too sometimes.But hey, women are not PROPORTIANATELY inferior to man. That is just plain nonsense. Federal Headship explains authority, it never implies (and in fact says the contrary of) women being like humans are to God. That is no less than stupid.
minakichan (post: 1242941) wrote:I'll go psychoanalyze myself and admit that I don't believe in loving marriage because I've never seen it in my house. I'm sure it exists somewhere. Love must exist as well. I'm also sure that it's possible for some people to lick their own elbows, but it's rare enough that it doesn't matter to me. More marriages end in divorce than in lasting union in America!
Love beyond the sexual? Of course there is. I don't know where you're living, but I'm attending a church in Ohio where it exists in heaps. I think you're just not looking for it, or you don't really know how to find it.minakichan (post: 1242941) wrote:I probably have a better chance of being a millionaire than finding a good marriage, and, well, I can do a lot more with money than I can with a man.
Tsukuyomi (post: 1243379) wrote:Argh, I know what you mean about the,"You must be a submissive wife.." thing o.o Me and a friend had a fall out (of some sort) about that. I think it was what kinda drove a wedge between us o.o
"You must obey your husband."
The way that came across was like saying,"You must be your husbands slave." I don't think that's they way they meant it, but that's sure how it sounded to me o.o I know how the bible says that the place of a woman is at home, but what if she really wants to a career out of the home? Shouldn't the husband be understanding to let her do so without breaking her down and coming up with some compromise? Husbands must be loving and understanding right? So, why can't they be about this?
When I get married.. I don't want to HAVE to be submissive to my husband. I'd want to be that way, because I love him. That's the way it should be, because you WANT to. Not because you HAVE to o.o
Something tells me something's been twisted.. a lot o.O
(Sorry if anything I have said came out offensively. Twas not meant to o.o)
Sheenar (post: 1243381) wrote:The Bible doesn't say a woman's place is at home. Look at Proverbs 31 --the wife of excellence "considers a field and buys it, sells her wares in town", etc. She is a shrewd businesswoman in addition to being a noble wife.
Just because you don't like to do "girly things" doesn't mean you're delving into some alternate sexuality.
It's like eating an ice cream sandwich. You eat it because it tastes good. But if you eat too much you become obese and rot your teeth.
Count it a blessing that you will never have your balls kicked. Also, some women have mastered peeing while standing up, but it takes practice so I've heard.
"Oh no, I hope I can get a parking space!...say, God, could you reserve a parking space for me? Even if I don't get a close one I'll be fine with it. Thanks!"
First is that you want the hormonal balance of a guy. Are you nuts? That means you are going to be impulsively whacked 24/7 instead of a few days a month.
Lastly, despite all of the things you have listed, you sound like a very interesting person that I would be fine with calling friend. So I will certainly pray for you.
Also, there seems to be some confusion as to what asexuality is. Here is a good link on the subject:
(not many girls I know are aroused by fanservice designed for men)
Increased flexibility, lower center of gravity, stronger connection between halves of the brain, etc. I wish I could leech that last one off someone...
While our society does have a strange view of marriage, I think that in all honesty a lot of the divorce rate can be explained by one thing: people now have the idea that marriage should include love or happiness.
No fault of anyone here, but that tends to happen when I read about this subject.
You're going to have to be clearer if you can.
Oh, what does being Asian have to do with being born with and without certain body parts?
The only two points where men and women differentiate in roles they are not allowed to have is leadership in the church and making the final decisions in marriage.
"You must obey your husband."
The way that came across was like saying,"You must be your husbands slave."
The notion of a woman "having to stay at home cooking/cleaning while the man is only obligated to work"
Supposedly, getting kicked in the balls very hard feels like childbirth.
Also, this is good enough reason to want to pee boy-style.
minakichan wrote:But actually, I do enjoy ice cream sandwiches more than masturbation. However, the latter does not contain calories.
Supposedly, getting kicked in the balls very hard feels like childbirth.
At least I wouldn't start bawling and leaking fluids from my face when I can't get my bike lock open.
minakichan (post: 1243442) wrote:At what part does it start becoming... problematic? I've asked people, and they say that I'm definitely more like a boy than a girl.
But actually, I do enjoy ice cream sandwiches more than masturbation. However, the latter does not contain calories.
Supposedly, getting kicked in the balls very hard feels like childbirth.
I know people are going to blast me for being wrong, but I feel mecha uncomfortable praying to ask God for Stuff. I sort of get the same feeling as when my mom tells me to go ask her boss' friend's co-worker's sister's former roommate for a job, except it's like said person just randomly gave me a large sum of money for New Year's because s/he felt like it. I KNOW IT'S A BAD ANALOGY.
But I might have to find this Amazing Spiderman issue ._.
I used to be very raging femininst "MALES ARE OBJECTIFYING WOMEN" about it. I think that started to change when I met yaoi fangirls.
QFT I totally agree with you. My mom recently got a hysterectomy and won't ever have this problem again. I am [color="Green"]green[/color] with envy.minakichan wrote:I hate menstruation, I hate PMS...Having a period SUCKS
You say it "excites" you. That speaks to me of some kind of desire and ties in with what I said above.minakichan wrote:To be honest to you and to myself, I hated that guy because I liked him, because I hated those weak, stupid, false feelings like affection for another human being. As emo as it sounds, I really despise human beings and clingy human relationships... I'm not looking for a relationship]He makes you feel emotional and that makes you vulnerable. Being vulnerable sucks and can be very scary. He has the ability to make you act differently from the way you are used to and on top of that he has the ability to hurt you, sometimes without even knowing it. Outrageous isn't it! From what I've read you seem to be pretty independent and this kind of dependency on a guy understandably frustrates you.
Not having a good example of a successful marriage/romantic relationship also aggravates the situation, since maybe the only examples you have are of people getting hurt. I don't believe marriage is a sham and love doesn't exist, I am lucky enough to have my own parents as an excellent example, but I acknowledge that there are false and shallow versions of these things in the world. Not wanting to partake in these is not wrong, but try to learn about distinguishing between the two. God's part in a relationship is also very important and can make all the difference. *Cough cough* I don't actually have much practical advice concerning this, but that's just my insight into the situation.
Submissive wives: it seems to me that being submission is very often equated to being a doormat and a slave. If that is the case, then I too don't want any part of that and any guy who thinks I'm going to stay at home all day, cooking and cleaning, has another thing coming. But that doesn't mean I will be a rebel and question everything my husband does. I wish to respect him and honour him, which is what I understand by submission. I know that may not be the way the world sees it, but that is my opinion. I believe surrendering to God is also a form of submission, but humans aren't God's slaves. It's about mutual respect.
That said, however, if a woman chooses/wants/enjoys it to be a stay-at-home mom, I can't judge her either. There are parts of our society that seem to look down on women, strong, beautiful, Godly women, who decide not to have a career or get pregnant again after already having 3 children. I don't think those women are weak, if that's what they chose for themselves and the calling God has placed on their lives. Situations of abuse by husbands are obviously another story that I'm not going to go into now.
Um...okay, what's next? Asexuality: Please forgive me if my thoughts (I won't call it an answer because it isn't) on this are totally incoherent, but I'll give them anyway.I think to a degree, yes, it is. I'm going to assume that by "not wanting to ever have sex" you mean this as a conscious decision. So as a human you come with a build in, biological "sex drive" just like you come with emotions and all those fun, hormonally related things. See what I mean?minakichan wrote:Is it still sexual desire if I don't ever want to have sex, have no interest in it, and think it's disgusting though?
Bad analogy time: If I decide I won't drink any water/liquid anymore, my body is eventually going to object and show symptoms to my "not wanting to ever drink water". So even if you decide you are not interested in sex and it in fact disgusts you, there may still be some residual sexual desire, which could also be what's causing some of the confusion. On a side note: this "residual sexual desire" would probably be a lot worse if you were a guy. But I might be stereotyping.
I' also like to point out that I don't think not being interested in sex is in any way wrong.
Female fanservice:minakichan wrote:Looking at pictures of cute or sexy girls excites me more than looking at the same of boys... at the same time, I don't know if it's sexual arousal or not
minakichan wrote:At what part does it start becoming... problematic? I've asked people, and they say that I'm definitely more like a boy than a girl.
minakichan wrote:These things still do not make up for lack of upper body strength in a fight. *sigh*
minakichan wrote:I'm kind of curious how and when in history this began to increasingly become a more prevalent belief.
minakichan wrote:What does "this subject" refer too? Except you're probably not here anymore.
But actually, I do enjoy ice cream sandwiches more than masturbation. However, the latter does not contain calories.
But it DOES contain chocolaty goodness!
Uh, being a guy wouldn't necessarily change that... >.>;;
When you have a problem with what you're doing, when you're doing something sinful, or when people complain about it and put you down?
Do I really say that a lot? XDIt can also help burn some of those calories.
In your words, OH SNAP.
We'd REALLY be objectifying men if we had hot shirtless men advertising beer, random department stores, Carl's Jr. hamburgers, AND women's fragrance. Also, a hot, scantily-clad man would be the only male character in an action movie solely for the attraction and appeasement of the female audience. And on billboards.
That's not to say that it's okay to be like "UM JEEZUS CAN I HAS CHEEZBURGER?" or something like that though. XD
My mom recently got a hysterectomy and won't ever have this problem again. I am green with envy.
He makes you feel emotional and that makes you vulnerable. Being vulnerable sucks and can be very scary. He has the ability to make you act differently from the way you are used to and on top of that he has the ability to hurt you, sometimes without even knowing it. Outrageous isn't it! From what I've read you seem to be pretty independent and this kind of dependency on a guy understandably frustrates you.
Submissive wives: it seems to me that being submission is very often equated to being a doormat and a slave.
I'm going to assume that by "not wanting to ever have sex" you mean this as a conscious decision. So as a human you come with a build in, biological "sex drive" just like you come with emotions and all those fun, hormonally related things. See what I mean?
As for liking girl fanservice more...I don't think you should write yourself off as a lesbian or bisexual just yet. I believe those things speak of a lifestyle and much bigger things than female fanservice. To be very, very honest with you, you are not completely alone in this area, I too sometimes find myself more attracted or "excited" by cute/sexy girl fanservice. There, see, I too am a weirdo freak etc sometimes. Maybe it's just the two of us, I don't know.
Maybe if you take a break and you notice that you seem to have an unhealthy craving for it or maybe that it lifts a weight off your shoulders, you can more accurately access how the fanservice is affecting you.
I don't know about you, but I use my brain to speak a lot more often than I use my arms to fight.
minakichan wrote:Masturbation contains chocolaty goodness?
I don't get it *sad*
So it's like intellectually I don't want to have sex, but biologically I do?
Is that why some rape victims still feel pleasure at it? ._.
As bold as it sounds, YOU make the decision for yourself. Who are you? What do you want to be? Do you want to be hetero or do you find comfort in allowing the world to give you alternate labels - an asexual, a homosexual, a bisexual or sex pervert,...ok whatever and then, letting your whole life dictated by said label?
minakichan (post: 1243668) wrote:Let's be weirdo freaks together!
I don't want to say that guy fanservice doesn't excite me too-- that would be a lie. I've just found that I stare at and check out girls far, far more than I do boys. I would also rather see a girl scantily clad than a boy half-naked. Thaaaaaaaaat seems kind of creepy. As for whether I'm lezzy/bi, I really don't know. I've kind of abandoned labels through this thread because I don't know if they're accurate anymore.
*Sneaks back in* >_>
I think that's because girls have more.. "Stuff" to look at o.o]Well, generally I use my mouth to speak...
How are things in your life in general?
Offnote: I found it interesting that you wanted to be the one in a relationship to "wear the pants". Out of curiosity, do you expect the same in your relationship with God as well?
Do you want to be hetero or do you find comfort in allowing the world to give you alternate labels - an asexual,
I am a guy and you have no idea how many times I have broken down in tears when I was frustrated by something. If you want to become a guy to avoid that, then I'm here to tell you that being a guy won't help you avoid that.
Sheenar (post: 1243270) wrote:Hmm...maybe that verse is not talking about "love" as in the emotion --maybe it is talking about sexual arousal---I'll have to go look up the original Hebrew for that word to see what it meant in the original context/culture.
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