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Sex and sexuality and sexual orientation...

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Postby minakichan » Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:00 pm

You have a severe misconception of what a healthy relationship is... probably originating by your familial, cultural, mental, and physiological experiences and structure.

O...K... At the same time, I don't think you even know what my conception of a healthy relationship is-- not on any fault of your own, but because I never actually stated my true opinion ever, at least not in the first 2 pages. And yes, everything is because of MAH CHILDHOOD. I'm sorry, but I really do take some offense at the way you worded it-- because of my inferior experiences, my perception of the world is "SEVERELY" warped, and you're somehow all-knowing and wise enough to understand The Meaning of Life?

In the case of gender roles, throw out everything that the Old Testament says about it if it causes you problems.

Ouch XD;;;
I'm sure there are those who disagree. I'm not one, but still.

I feel that you have some deeper self-esteem issues that create this confusion.

Don't we all. >_>;

Physiologically and psychologically from what I have read of your experiences, you are not asexual, and neither are you bisexual or lesbian.

So I'm hetero? (EWWWWWWWWWW HET! XD)
Also, how do you know anything about my "physiological sexuality??" Doesn't seem to be something you can know without understanding my body.

I'm being crass on purpose because Internet psychoanalysis is usually fail. Yes, I agree with most of your "diagnosis;" no, I don't think I believe in the unlicensed psychiatrist's "and it's all because of your childhood lol" deal, or that because I'm a woman, I'm automatically inherently attracted to males, and only males. Christianity condemns bisexuality (and in many cases, asexuality), but that certainly does not mean that it does not exist.

Your OP's been rattling around in there for a couple days, and it's not a subject that I (being a guy) am all that comfortable discussing in a thread predominantly populated by females till the guys broke it up a bit. I know where you're coming from in all this, though you're a lot more sexually mature than I am to bring it up.

Truthfully, I'm starting to kiiiiiiiinda regret posting this. It's been very... awkward, the opinions are everywhere to the point that it's a debate, and to be honest, this was totally a spur of the moment thing when I realized that yes, my periods do still happen, and no, I'm unfortunately not going through early menopause. But thanks for your words; as coarse as I act, I do feel they've been rather thought-provoking on one hand.

i want a husband who controls me as well. i know what an rebel i can be...and i know i struggle terribly with many many things. sometimes "I" want to be in control just because i'm selfish...but i want my husband to be firm with me and say "NO! that is not right!"

So, I really wanted to react to this really crassly, but I won't. Let me just put it this way-- when my dad forbids us to go to church, he does so because he wants what's BEST for us-- for the kids to stop wasting their time on futility and go do homework to get into a good college and become successful adults, and so that we don't obsessively rot our brains on fantastical religious propaganda. (It's also "because he cares" that he tries to convert us to atheism every so often.) Excuse my French, but **** (SELF-CENSORED LOLOLOL) if I'm going to listen to that. SORRY FOR BEING A REBEL. And I know someone's going to come up with some fancy counterargument involving not getting married to nonbelievers or listening to God before the husband, but let's just say that leaving church isn't the only ridiculous demand he makes. LOL AT MY DADDY ISSUES. There are more reasons aside from religion that I always, always, always listen to my mother before my father.

I may be full of nonsense, but that's not how I read fp90's post (i.e. I didn't read "control" as "utterly dominate/keep on a leash". I read it more as "I need someone who will stand up to me because I know I'm strong-willed". And I think that's a healthy, honest admission. Strong-willed people need to be in relationships with others strong enough to balance them.

And that is fine. However, I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with <s>uke</s> pansy men.

Riiiiiiiight, I'm not helping this convo progress, am I ._.
I think I need to take a breather. I'm probably going to regret getting so P.O.'d in about one hour, but right now, it hasn't happened yet.
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Postby fairyprincess90 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:45 pm

everyone has their different opinions. there is NOTHING wrong with that.

i just personally want my husband to control me....
though i do have to say i don't like it when my parents control me sometimes..also not ALL men are one way. just like not all women are the same. yes, obviously women go off their emotions more than men...but some men can go off emotions more than some women just as some women can be more black-and-white then some men.

i've struggled lots with who i sexual orientation wise. i dunno why........but i did..and sometimes still do question what i am.

i'm very interested in this topic though. i like learning about the human mind and what causes different feelings and what-not like that.

cuz i'm very mentally ill.. joke. =P


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Postby fairyprincess90 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:58 pm

i do have something to say about looking at girls and getting aroused.


the female body was made to be more attractive (no offense guys) hehe
and it kinda makes sense since god designed males to be more visual and girls to be more...emotional. so he made females to be attractive and males to be protectors and yeah...

so ...that's why alot of advertisements feature FEMALES! cuz females will attract more attention..from BOTH sexes.
i personally get aroused myself looking at naked females and what-not.
and yet, i would never date one because they wouldn't fulfill what i need and want (not because females can't satisfy females but just cuz i like males more hehe). i've had sexual attraction before to my female friends.............but i found that sexual attraction was all i had (besides being good friends with them)
there's a difference feeling close with someone as a friend and being attracted to them physically...and being "in love" with someone. but unfortunately i can't explain it very well. i don't even know if i make sense.

i understand you are angry at that since you are female you can't do some of the things males can.

i felt the same way. i finally just let it go though.......i figured "well god designed us this i just need to accept it". and that worked for me...though i dunno if that's the answer you want or need.

i'm not quite sure what to say in order to help you....but i can say.....that i have felt the same way as you.

so don't feel weird.

sometimes i wonder if it's just that time in someones life when they are trying to figure themselves out and discover who they comes at different times for maybe you're going through that?

as for your opinions and what you prefer in a mate...there's nothing wrong with wanting to be in control. but i think the best way to go about that you BOTH make decisions TOGETHER as a TEAM.

but thinking that marriage is stupid...well....i don't blame you. this world has corrupted marriage. TRUE LOVE and marriage is not stupid...but as i said this world has corrupted what it truly is.
but yeah...i've even thought that maybe love didn't exist. but it's just hard to find.

as for thinking sex is disgusting. YEP I THOUGHT THAT TOO AT A POINT.

and for hating PMS and all that other crap. I HATE IT TOO. sometimes i wish i was born a boy.....but i wasn't. so i just need to deal with it..

did i ramble too much?

i hope something in there helped you.


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Postby Lochaber Axe » Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:06 pm

minakichan (post: 1244856) wrote:O...K... At the same time, I don't think you even know what my conception of a healthy relationship is-- not on any fault of your own, but because I never actually stated my true opinion ever, at least not in the first 2 pages. And yes, everything is because of MAH CHILDHOOD. I'm sorry, but I really do take some offense at the way you worded it-- because of my inferior experiences, my perception of the world is "SEVERELY" warped, and you're somehow all-knowing and wise enough to understand The Meaning of Life?

When I speak of the "severe misconception", I am alluding to the sense of mistrust and apprehension (that can be read into your very words) you have for relationships... not your understanding of it. There is a difference. We all have an innate sense of what is good and right, but experiences, past trauma, or even conscious manipulation can twist and distort these basic truths. I am merely saying that there is a problem, and that the past may be a reason for it.

I'm not saying you are stupid and that I'm superior, because I haven't sorted it all out myself. I would hate to even be found to have implied that and I would ask forgiveness from you and the Lord if that indeed has happened.

Also, I believe that the subtitle for the Bible should be "The Meaning of Life"... if there is a being who created an entire universe out of His loving nature and to justify this universe sacrificed what is essentially Himself, then that changes the entire rhyme and reason for everything then.
Ouch XD]
Christ himself overturned many traditions of Judaism of his day that were for a season but became laws of discrimination. God is a God of Justice. His justice if infinitely patient, but it always succeeds.

If the acceptance of the Mosaic and Prophetic gender roles isn't based on discrimination, then I am all for its continuance.
Don't we all. >_>;

I just don't like being naked or in a bathing suit. I feel like an albino gorilla with a skin condition then.
So I'm hetero? (EWWWWWWWWWW HET! XD)
Also, how do you know anything about my "physiological sexuality??" Doesn't seem to be something you can know without understanding my body.

As you have attested, it is merely an assumption. I'm basing it on what evidence I have attained: your history as of what you have written, my understanding of normalcy and abnormality in physiological sexuality, and how all variables affect my reasoning.

Any assumption is inherently walking uphill in the rain with weights on.
I'm being crass on purpose because Internet psychoanalysis is usually fail. Yes, I agree with most of your "diagnosis;" no, I don't think I believe in the unlicensed psychiatrist's "and it's all because of your childhood lol" deal, or that because I'm a woman, I'm automatically inherently attracted to males, and only males. Christianity condemns bisexuality (and in many cases, asexuality), but that certainly does not mean that it does not exist.

Sorry but I don't go for Freudian oversimplication as in saying boys want to have sex with their mothers and thus are in jealous competition with their fathers. That is fallacious and damnable reasoning. A serial rapist killer could not kill simply because his mother was abusive, but it would have a high amount of catalyzing the thoughts that created the impetus to do it.

All evidence that is not 100% is collaborative... merely parts that try as best as possible to reach that 100%.

Now my biggest error it seems is to have sparked the combative spirit you have and not actually help you. That was grievous of me, particularly if it stems from self-righteous or self-centered thinking.

Hmm... how shall I rectify it then?

I do hope that your thoughts on relationships become better, because there is a sweetness and joy in a good relationship. Living a chaste life is only good if done for God's glory. If it is done so that the chaste person feels superior or wishes attention and praise for it then it does that person little good. A person can abstain from meats and sweets but if not for God, it is simply a dietary lifestyle... no importance beyond that.

We were made by God to share in the pleasure of His blessings and love. It cheapens one's own life to reject what He gives us.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:17 am

Lochaber Axe (post: 1244652) wrote:Physiologically and psychologically from what I have read of your experiences, you are not asexual, and neither are you bisexual or lesbian.

Not to say that you are right or wrong, but I wouldn't say it's the best idea to make an assumption such as this based on what little information that is presented. Doing such can potentially create detrimental effects.
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:15 am

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1244975) wrote:Not to say that you are right or wrong, but I wouldn't say it's the best idea to make an assumption such as this based on what little information that is presented. Doing such can potentially create detrimental effects.

Lochaber Axe wrote: Any assumption is inherently walking uphill in the rain with weights on.

In all respects, I have been more counter-productive for such a serious matter, and as to that, it would be better for me not to speak further.
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Postby SnEptUne » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:49 am

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1244392) wrote:Ya know, if you found another person that didn't want to compromise principles and moral values in a relationship, then a relationship there would work, wouldn't you think?

Such a mythical person does not exist in real life.

Regarding the posts about gender roles, I have no idea women are supposed to be more emotional. Perhaps, every girls/women around me are abnormal? They are more like warriors from anicent time, struggling to live through this pesudo stereotypes imposed upon us.

Life goes on even if ones have been raped by their husbands, and forced to have their children abandoned because they are the wrong gender during WWII. If they are emotionally weak, I don't know what is strong.

On the other hand, are men really more visual? Are men really that different from women?

"Usually men subjectively rate erotic material much higher than women," he says. "So based on those data we would expect lower responses in women, but that was not the case. Women have responses as strong as those seen in men." (

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:18 pm

minakichan wrote:O...K... At the same time, I don't think you even know what my conception of a healthy relationship is-- not on any fault of your own, but because I never actually stated my true opinion ever, at least not in the first 2 pages.

Do you have one? A conception of a healthy relationship, I mean. I had more I was going to say, but I deleted it because I think it might be better to simply ask.

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Ya know, if you found another person that didn't want to compromise principles and moral values in a relationship, then a relationship there would work, wouldn't you think?

SnEptUne wrote:Such a mythical person does not exist in real life.

Wow, that's cynicism rivaling my own.

...except, sadly, I can think of far too many counterexamples in this case. Not wanting to compromise principles is a really low standard, so I'll assume you're interpreting it under more extensive definitions.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:08 pm

uc pseudonym (post: 1245114) wrote:...except, sadly, I can think of far too many counterexamples in this case. Not wanting to compromise principles is a really low standard, so I'll assume you're interpreting it under more extensive definitions.

I really hope so too >_> I was hoping I read that wrong or maybe that it was said wrong.
*Is now actually going to post instead of posting them deleting her message (has done that three or more so times yesterday)*

This thread has gone pretty much away from the OP, and I wasn't much help with that.

Masturbation: I know this is going to sound really really bad, but I'd rather you masturbate then going out and sleeping around D:<

Yes, I know, I said it and now I'm going to hate myself for doing so ;___;, but that's the way I feel :|

Submission: ... Only if I get back the respect and obedience I get back. I know that the submitting to your husband means to make him the one and only one, but how come it doesn't say the same thing in that same line about hubbies submitting their wives o.o?

Marrying For Sex: I THINK THAT"S SO.. messed up u_u I'm not sure if I read it right, but is sex really the reason why people get married? I always thought it was for finding your soul mate to spend the rest of your life with (if there's such a thing), and the smex was just an extra o.o;



Minagi, you should do what you think is right ^_^ And, if it isn't right, you'd get that nagging from deep within. Give whatever a try and see what happens. I know that sounds weird.. Encouraging you to try this or try that, but sometimes that's the only way.. you know?

Ok, I'm done now u_u
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Postby minakichan » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:44 pm

the female body was made to be more attractive (no offense guys) hehe
and it kinda makes sense since god designed males to be more visual and girls to be more...emotional. so he made females to be attractive and males to be protectors and yeah...

Hrm... I wonder why he made bird males more attractive than the females XD

When I speak of the "severe misconception", I am alluding to the sense of mistrust and apprehension (that can be read into your very words) you have for relationships... not your understanding of it. There is a difference. We all have an innate sense of what is good and right, but experiences, past trauma, or even conscious manipulation can twist and distort these basic truths. I am merely saying that there is a problem, and that the past may be a reason for it.

When I read the post, I honestly felt it was an example of "how you say it" mattering more than "what you say." The phrase "severe misconception" itself seems to suggest ignorance or delusion, so that's what irked me.

Living a chaste life is only good if done for God's glory. If it is done so that the chaste person feels superior or wishes attention and praise for it then it does that person little good. A person can abstain from meats and sweets but if not for God, it is simply a dietary lifestyle... no importance beyond that.

...But what if I want to live a chaste live just for myself, because I don't like the idea of having a relationship? Is that bad, the opposite of good? I guess to devil's advocate (again), is it bad to be vegetarian just as a dietary lifestyle?

In all respects, I have been more counter-productive for such a serious matter, and as to that, it would be better for me not to speak further.

I'll admit (and I think I did) that I was being a jerk.

Do you have one? A conception of a healthy relationship, I mean. I had more I was going to say, but I deleted it because I think it might be better to simply ask.

Hrm, I suppose probably the stereotypical Christian one-- place God first, forgive each other in fights by Jesus' example, put your spouse above yourself, blah blah blah. Textbook Sunday School answer. Although I do wonder if this is really realistic.

Masturbation: I know this is going to sound really really bad, but I'd rather you masturbate then going out and sleeping around D:<

Yes well ^^; I've been cutting back recently. I really only do it when I'm bored, and recently I've been going out with my co-workers after work a lot, so I come home tired, forgetting to masturbate or even brush my teeth. (I BRUSH IN THE MORNINGS, OK? PLEASE DON'T HATE ME)

I always thought it was for finding your soul mate to spend the rest of your life with (if there's such a thing), and the smex was just an extra o.o;

I love the way you say this. Buy an eternal soulmate, get some action free!

So, as much as I frown upon AVEN, I went on their wiki and an asexual LJ comm recently, and apparently the asexuals claim me as one of their own O_O. I kno, rite? How can you be asexual and masturbate LOLOLOL! Apparently it has to do with whether you associate it with sex or imagine having sex with someone. However, this isn't the same as saying I'm aromantic; I don't think I'm necessarily heteroromantic or biromantic, but more like... ambiguous-romantic? Yay for made up words. I'm starting to think maybe as Lochaber Axe said, that I'm not much different from other people at all. I just seriously distrust human relationships because I think it's too difficult to achieve and I don't think I could personally get one anyway (note that both people that I've crushed on have been ones that it would be impossible for them to like me back). Some people accuse asexuals of just being asexual because of past trauma or an inability to get some, and while I find this generalization offensive in and of itself, I think it might be applicable in my case. ...Which isn't to say I want to self-identify as asexual (I think the idea of an "asexual revolution" is rather silly). I know that a lot of Christians look down on asexuality and consider it a sin, which is another reason why I became wary of the label. I am not looking for a debate, so I will not call myself such, but I will just say that I think I can conclude that I am not strongly heterosexual, emphasis on the sexual above the hetero.

In other semi-related news, my mom just gave me an angry lecture because I put a little sexual joke in my AIM profile. Yes, it was in bad taste; no, this does not mean I am having sex with random men I meet over the Internet *shock*. No wonder I was so filled with self-loathing in high school!
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:19 pm

minakichan (post: 1245275) wrote:Hrm... I wonder why he made bird males more attractive than the females XD[/QUOTE[

Hontou? Hmmm, I don't know the difference and do not wish to... I guess ^ ^

...But what if I want to live a chaste live just for myself, because I don't like the idea of having a relationship? Is that bad, the opposite of good? I guess to devil's advocate (again), is it bad to be vegetarian just as a dietary lifestyle?

I know this wasn't a reply towards me, but Imma give my input anyway XDD

I don't think either is wrong ^^ Because, you're doing it for yourself.. right? You're doing it to benefit you.. Is that correct?

I honestly think that if it's good for you.. It's good for God ^ ^ I mean, He will tell you if other wise ^^
Yes well ^^]

Awww, that's great ^^ It really is possible to cut back, and once you do.. It gets much much easier ^__^

I love the way you say this. Buy an eternal soulmate, get some action free!

Lawlawlawl, I'm glad I could make you smile/smirk/laugh <33

Although, I wasn't trying to XDD

I'm not much different from other people at all.


No you're not ^ ^ You're still you.. Aren't you? To me, you're still the same person ^ ^ Asexual or not Mina/Minaki/Minagi I know and lurves <33

I want to start calling you Minaki-chi now ^ ^

In other semi-related news, my mom just gave me an angry lecture because I put a little sexual joke in my AIM profile. Yes, it was in bad taste; no, this does not mean I am having sex with random men I meet over the Internet *shock*. No wonder I was so filled with self-loathing in high school!

Self loathing.. I know that u_u
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Postby fairyprincess90 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:35 am

hehe with the bird thing. i should have been more specific...HUMAN females were made to be attractive. hehe.

and...there's nothing wrong with you not wanting a relationship. relationships can be difficult and stressful and they aren't for everybody.


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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:49 am

SnEptUne (post: 1245045) wrote:Such a mythical person does not exist in real life.

Someone just one-upped UC... quick, someone jot this down in CAA's History!

Seriously though, if there's one person that's like this, then there are bound to be others. That's not to say that couples aren't going to face troubles, but for what it's worth, they make it through and create something beautiful. =) I know many Christian couples that apply to this.
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Postby fairyprincess90 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:57 am

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1245331) wrote:
Seriously though, if there's one person that's like this, then there are bound to be others. That's not to say that couples aren't going to face troubles, but for what it's worth, they make it through and create something beautiful. =) I know many Christian couples that apply to this.

i agree. i've seen maybe couples that make it through the hard times and come out of their troubles better people.
so many marriages are falling apart...but that doesn't mean all of them are going to.


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Postby SnEptUne » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:09 pm

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1245331) wrote:Someone just one-upped UC... quick, someone jot this down in CAA's History!

Seriously though, if there's one person that's like this, then there are bound to be others. That's not to say that couples aren't going to face troubles, but for what it's worth, they make it through and create something beautiful. =) I know many Christian couples that apply to this.

I doubt anyone can live with me, who refuses to buy or use products from Microsoft for their illegal practices (which eliminated most computers and media related jobs etc...), who refuses to praise others because I really don't think highly of them, who refuses to make promises because I take promise very seriously, who can't stand jokes that make fun of anything, and lives a minimalist life to the point of eating rotten foods from garbage trash. I am especially offended by people who waste food, since I used to buy cheap foods that are "left over".

Maybe there are people in this world who wouldn't look down at me like an ant for living such a "disgraceful" prudish life, but chances are I will be dead before then.

I am also very disturbed by what people called "healthy" relationship. This world has a very twisted view of healthy; there are even people who said it is healthy to commit adultery! That abstaining from sin is unnatural since people are born with sins to begin with. I would rather be dead than healthy if that's their definitions.
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Postby animewarrior » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:30 pm

Submission: ... Only if I get back the respect and obedience I get back. I know that the submitting to your husband means to make him the one and only one, but how come it doesn't say the same thing in that same line about hubbies submitting their wives o.o?

I'm at work right now ... ^^" so I'll just say this much I know that it says husbands have to protect and care for and love their wives. Submission? I know it says that about women and A LOT of people take it wrong. (aka like the jerks who think a girl shouldn't speak her mind). I think that a loving relationship is based around God and NOT sex.

Me and my friends say regarding guys:
Personality first, looks and sex are the bonuses...XD
**SEX AFTER MARRIAGE in case that wasn't clear**

meh I shall post later on more thoughts regarding this subject. Masturbation is something I don't really like to talk about...and I'm not quite sure what to think of it...*sigh* so well I'll be back later guys.
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Postby animewarrior » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:40 pm

[quote="SnEptUne (post: 1245441)"]I doubt anyone can live with me, who refuses to buy or use products from Microsoft for their illegal practices (which eliminated most computers and media related jobs etc...), who refuses to praise others because I really don't think highly of them, who refuses to make promises because I take promise very seriously, who can't stand jokes that make fun of anything, and lives a minimalist life to the point of eating rotten foods from garbage trash. I am especially offended by people who waste food, since I used to buy cheap foods that are "left over".

Maybe there are people in this world who wouldn't look down at me like an ant for living such a "disgraceful" prudish life, but chances are I will be dead before then.

I am also very disturbed by what people called "healthy" relationship. This world has a very twisted view of healthy]

ello SnEPtUne.. thought I might reply to your post.
Frankly I think lots of the things you speak of are honorable.. especially the promise bit. You seem to be the kind of person who finds the world fickle and digusting (sadistic?) and I know I've been there before. You don't seem like a "prude" to me, in fact I agree with your statements.

Eating rotten food seems a bit on the edge, however as long as you aren't endangering your health and feel God is telling you to do it that's fine. However, please don't feel guilty due to our better situation here in the Western world, rather enjoy it and learn to try and help all you can. I think you are doing that already in fact.

I didn't read through everyone's posts, however if someone believes that adultery is OK then well I'm sorry whoever said that you are WRONG. Yes, humans are born with sins, however, through the grace of Christ, we can overcome our sinful nature. Saying that I was BORN that way and I can't help it is an outright lie and I find it replusive. Anyways, that's all for now.

Your Sister in Christ,
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Postby SnEptUne » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:44 pm

animewarrior (post: 1245447) wrote:I'm at work right now ... ^^" so I'll just say this much I know that it says husbands have to protect and care for and love their wives. Submission? I know it says that about women and A LOT of people take it wrong. (aka like the jerks who think a girl shouldn't speak her mind). I think that a loving relationship is based around God and NOT sex.

Me and my friends say regarding guys:
Personality first, looks and sex are the bonuses...XD
**SEX AFTER MARRIAGE in case that wasn't clear**

If husbands are to protect their wives, it is only fair for the wives to protect their husbands as well.

Regarding the sex, is it really neccessary? The world is already too populated, with orphans everywhere.

animewarrior wrote:Eating rotten food seems a bit on the edge, however as long as you aren't endangering your health and feel God is telling you to do it that's fine. However, please don't feel guilty due to our better situation here in the Western world, rather enjoy it and learn to try and help all you can. I think you are doing that already in fact.

I didn't read through everyone's posts, however if someone believes that adultery is OK then well I'm sorry whoever said that you are WRONG. Yes, humans are born with sins, however, through the grace of Christ, we can overcome our sinful nature. Saying that I was BORN that way and I can't help it is an outright lie and I find it replusive. Anyways, that's all for now.

Thanks for the encouragement.
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Postby animewarrior » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:53 pm

SnEptUne (post: 1245454) wrote:If husbands are to protect their wives, the wives better protect their husbands as well. Is sex really neccessary? The world is already too populated, with orphans everywhere.

I'm just saying what the Bible says. I'll post the verses up later regarding love between men and women and the expectations in a relationship. It's in Corinthians I think.

Sex isn't necessary. However it depends on the individuals in the relationship. God created sex as a gift. It was in his master plan. If you are worried about children, then I suppose that is why God allowed the world to create condoms and the like. *shrug* The world is corrupt. Orphans are a sad reality, however there are people out there trying to make a difference. Personally, I want to adopt kids and raise my own if I ever manage to meet the guy intended for me. So well, sex I suppose isn't necessary, however ... it's a perk...:sweat: hope this doesn't too .. idk... lustful? It's part of the human design is all I'm trying to say.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:59 pm

[quote="SnEptUne (post: 1245441)"]I am also very disturbed by what people called "healthy" relationship. This world has a very twisted view of healthy]
"Healthy" being a well-balanced relationship between two God-loving and God-fearing individuals.
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Postby animewarrior » Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:03 pm

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1245458) wrote:"Healthy" being a well-balanced relationship between two God-loving and God-fearing individuals.

I hope this isn't going to get people angry, however I HAVE to add,
a relationship between a MAN and a WOMAN.
Dear readers who believe homosexuality is alright, and a genetic disorder, please believe me when I say this not to offend, rather to state the truth.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:48 pm

I think I more or less agree with your conclusion, minakichan (the general perspective, not whatever you've decided about yourself). Forget labels if they're causing problems.

SnEptUne wrote:I doubt anyone can live with me, who refuses to buy or use products from Microsoft for their illegal practices (which eliminated most computers and media related jobs etc...), who refuses to praise others because I really don't think highly of them, who refuses to make promises because I take promise very seriously, who can't stand jokes that make fun of anything, and lives a minimalist life to the point of eating rotten foods from garbage trash. I am especially offended by people who waste food, since I used to buy cheap foods that are "left over".

You sound pretty normal to me, though that betrays my cultural/religious background. Seriously, though, you aren't as unusual as you think. Hopefully this will come across as encouraging rather than combative:
- If you want to play the corporate ethics game (and I think it's a good game) there are thousands of people who won't touch Microsoft or many other corporations. For that matter, there are those who refuse to use anything they didn't make themselves.
- False praise is a common thing, but there are individuals and even communities where this isn't much of an issue.
- Yeah, I'm guilty of the joke part. But this sentiment strikes me as a pretty common one.
- There was a damaged/overdue goods store at my home town. It got cleaned out with every shipment. I can understand feeling alone in practicing frugality, but there are plenty of people attempting this as well.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:19 pm

SnEptUne (post: 1245454) wrote:If husbands are to protect their wives, it is only fair for the wives to protect their husbands as well.

Oh I agree with that. I also think the hubby's should submit to their wives as well.

I'm sure the implication is there, but why is that not written as well?

Meh, ah well u_u
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Postby Fish and Chips » Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:48 pm

The ironic bit is that I'll probably never marry, since I fall short of my own standards. Or finding a woman who can stand me.
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Postby NekoChan_C » Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:36 pm

Wow, you guys are soo... negative! Most of you who are posting are only in your early twenties... you have plenty of time and plenty of other things to do until God brings the right person to you. dont stress. :)
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Postby ich1990 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:10 pm

Fish and Chips (post: 1245494) wrote:The ironic bit is that I'll probably never marry, since I fall short of my own standards. Or finding a woman who can stand me.


I have sworn off romantic relationships until age 25 for the express purpose of trying to improve myself enough to be worthy of one. After that.... well, we will see how I do.

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Postby NekoChan_C » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:16 pm

ich1990 (post: 1245536) wrote:Likewise.

I have sworn off romantic relationships until age 25 for the express purpose of trying to improve myself enough to be worthy of one. After that.... well, we will see how I do.

May God help us both.

that's a great position to take. Instead of worrying about finding a mate, concentrate of being a righteous man/woman of God. Because if your heart is in your relationship with Him, then you will be a better mate to whomever you end up with.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:53 pm

NekoChan_C (post: 1245512) wrote:Wow, you guys are soo... negative! Most of you who are posting are only in your early twenties... you have plenty of time and plenty of other things to do until God brings the right person to you. dont stress. :)

Lol, very true ^^

I guess it's just something we all think of once in a while, no ^_^?
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Postby Fish and Chips » Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:03 pm

NekoChan_C (post: 1245512) wrote:Wow, you guys are soo... negative! Most of you who are posting are only in your early twenties... you have plenty of time and plenty of other things to do until God brings the right person to you. dont stress. :)

A lot happens in 20 years.

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Postby Lochaber Axe » Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:32 pm

Fish and Chips (post: 1245615) wrote:Realism is when you know that you know nothing, but call it as you see it anyhow.

Corrected. ;):thumb:
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