Going to college for the first time is a big deal, and it's perfectly normal to feel uncomfortable. It's a totally new realm and experience for you! At this point, your biggest enemy is you; no one has any mean thoughts toward you. They don't even know how awesome you are yet! The cool thing about college is that you have a new blank page in your story- and you can write it however you like. The best advice I can give you besides prayer and just having a simple chat with the Big Dad Upstairs who is right there for the ride with you is just to break that comfortable bubble and go out and talk with people. I struggled with the same thing when I went off to school, and I struggled with my feelings and where I'd fit in for about two or three weeks. I hope you don't have to suffer as long, so just remember:
-You are LOVED! God, Jesus, family, friends, the dog, neighbor's cat.....etc. But you're not alone in this.
-It's perfectly okay to call home; no one's gonna judge.
-All the other guys that are just moving in are just as scared and unsure as you are though they might not show it on the outside.
-Don't stay in your dorm room! Get out and hang with people on campus; look for clubs that interest you.
-Find a loud, crazy person. We love to incorporate new kids.
(And you can even mooch from their food.)
-Assure yourself with positive messages throughout the day-whether out loud or to yourself. It surprisingly works.
-Make it a goal to talk to two or three people a day; friends will add up quickly.
-Have a one-on-one with God. I'm not talking about the clasped hands and the "Holy thou art..." kind of talk either. Yes, we are supposed to revere and respect Him, but at the same time He is our closest friend and loving parent. Just talk to Him. Plainly like if you were talking to a good friend. Go on a walk, sit down, and just start talking because He's there listening. You'll feel great once you do.
Praying for you Mr. Bakura. If you ever have any questions or need to talk, send me a PM.