Hrm.....well, idk if it's much of a prayer request. More of a worry or two I guess. Guess I'm sort of looking for a bit of council in this.
Well over the past year I've made some really good friends online. I even got to meet some of them not too long ago. My mom was very supportive because I was finally having friends. But now, after meeting my friends, I guess now she doesn't really consider them really...REAL friendships anymore per say. Don't get me wrong, she has a certain point. I think the physical aspect in any relationship is quite important, and if a friend of yours is far away you should try to do as many physical things as possible together: setting times for meeting, talking on the phone, video chats, voice chats...etc. Still, just because a relationship is long distance doesn't mean that it can be REAL. I consider it as any other relationship, just with different obsticles, and it can be a real relationship if done right.
I mean, it's not like mom is keeping m from these friendships, she just...doesn't seem to be encouraging them so much anymore. Which makes me sad. Cause, mom tries to support any close by relationships I have (which I've recently been getting), it's just I wish she'd encourage me to have friends in general. And encourage all my friendships. Now it's at a point where on the outside she's not really doing anything to keep me from my friends, I still feel judged by her at times. I just really feel bummed about it I guess. Cause she'll support me in anything long as it's not on the computor and has anything to do with "wasting my time". Why can't she support me in this one area. A couple of my closest friends are on the net, they were my very first close friends in general. And for her not to support that just...really hurts me. At least...that's what it seems like anyway. There just doesn't seem to be an pleasing her these days. She and I have been a bit.....well, let's just say I'm going through a time in which I'm breaking away from her emotionally I guess. Which is normal for me to become a normal, grown-up's just kind of hard because I'm realizing things about my mom, and instead of seeing her as "the mother" I'm seeing her as a person. I still love her, but I'm just realizing that she's human and has certain character flaws. She and I are opposites, and we're alike in ways that irratate me to death. She can be so extreme, irrational, mean, and can come off as narcasistic (sp?).....and she KNOWS it. ......could you guys just pray that as I go through this time, it won't leave damaging scars on our relationship? I do love her, and wish I could have a relationship with her that's mostly functional. We've been mostly fine lately....I just, want to get this off my chest.....please pray for me.
Also, and even though I'm certain this is nothing, I once read one of those annoying "chain letters" on someone's DeviantArt profile. It was saying weird stuff about how if you do certain stuff and send it to a certain amount of people, you'll get your wishes granted. But if you don't, bad stuff will happen. It kinda freaked me out for some reason. Idk, I just got a bad feeling. I rebuked it in the name of Jesus and said aloud that the chain letter had no power over me, but for some reason I still felt that nervous feeling. Later that day, I had one of the craziest experiences of my life involving someone who stole my sister's backpack. I couldn't believe it was happening to me! Then today today, I got locked out of my house with no one home. I figured it was just a coincidence and all, but I still feel a bit fearful. Because nothing weird happened in the day in between. Anyway, could you guys pray for me about that as well? Even though I'm certain I'm just being paranoid.