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my family

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my family

Postby Dot » Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:28 pm

hey guys
so, this has been brewing for several years now, but it's finally come to a boil.
my parents are discussing separation, even divorce. i never thought it could happen to me, but the past has proven that to be wishful thinking.
mom and dad have had it with each other. as i said, this was a long time coming.. the abuse and neglect has torn everyone apart.
pray. pray that dad will be willing to change and work through all this. pray that my sister and i will be able to support each other.. we've never been able to do that.
pray that mom will be okay. she's held her head up and supported/raised this family by herself for 27 years.. and she's running out of strength, you know, having just come out of breast cancer surgery and all.

i know we will get through this cause we have God.
still sucks tho.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:38 pm

I am truely sorry to hear of your troubles, Miss Dot. Separation is a difficult thing for anyone to go to.
You say that your mother supported your family by herself for almost three decades. Try to consider that this divorce might be a good thing for her. I know this sounds crazy and I might come of as irrational and inconsiderate of you and your sister's feelings, but I do not mean to be so. Sometimes it is hard for us to step back and fully view every angle of a situation when you are trapped in the middle.
This is something to think about. Nevertheless, I am praying for you and your family.
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Postby Gelka » Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:55 pm

I'm sorry! I will be praying that things will turn out for the better.
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Postby LadyRushia » Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:14 pm

I know you're going through a hard tim and everything, but the staff is trying to keep all prayers regarding family issues and other things of that sort in one thread. You can repost your request here.
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Postby Dot » Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:11 pm

Phantom_Sorano (post: 1322811) wrote: Try to consider that this divorce might be a good thing for her. I know this sounds crazy and I might come of as irrational and inconsiderate of you and your sister's feelings, but I do not mean to be so.

no, i know exactly what you're getting at, and i more or less agree. i asked mom once a long time ago why she and dad didn't just divorce and get it overwith, and she told me it was because of my sister and i.. they didn't want to do that to us, or something.
but i agree, and as much as it makes me want to go play in traffic, it might just be better for them.
we'll see i guess. thanks for your prayers. i will do my best to update.
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an update

Postby Dot » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:55 pm

well, nothing has gotten any better or worse between mom and dad.
my sister, however, decided to tell mom she doesn't want anything to do with our parents and their squabbles anymore. it really crushed my mother. she feels she lost her husband a long time ago, and now she's losing her older daughter.
to be perfectly honest, it doesn't surprise me that my sister reacted in that way, but it really hurts.
mom has written/ is writing a letter to my father about what she wants him to do. i haven't been updated on that yet, so i don't know how that went down. what mom wants him to do is move to New Brunswick (where he's from originally) for half a year so he can "think about what he wants". i have a major opinion about this, but i'm not going to go into it. feel free to PM if you'd like more details.
thank you all for praying, and -please- continue to keep my family in your prayers.
i'm doing remarkably okay, much better than i thought i was going to be, and a lot of that has to do with where i am in my personal walk with the Lord, and where i am in my life.
basically i see it like this: God's pulled me through abusive relationship, an abusive/neglective family, horrible friendships, and a cult, and He never left me to fend for myself. i am VERY sure He's not going to ditch me now. ;)
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