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A Moment of Your Time

Make prayer requests or praise God in this forum. If you log out you make anonymous requests. However, your posts will be reviewed before they appear.

A Moment of Your Time

Postby Reon » Sat May 30, 2009 1:33 am

I ask that you take a second to lift my sister Rachelle up in prayer, that God becomes more real to her in this time of suffering. She knows God and like me needs more of him - GOD I ASK YOU TO MAKE HER THE WOMAN OF GOD YOU WOULD HAVE HER TO BE!

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[SIZE="1"][font="Garamond"][color="Gray"]If a Mod reads this feel free to close the thread, thank you <3[/color][/font][/SIZE]
Her and I are VERY grateful for your prayers!
And please remember I'm always open for a PM if you need someone to talk to/pray with.


God is always good, unchanging - no matter what we come against he remains the same. Remain in him that he might remain in you.
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Postby LadyRushia » Sat May 30, 2009 7:15 am

Locked as requested.
Fanfiction (updated 1/1/11)-- Lucky Star--Ginsaki ch. 4
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