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College and Employment

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College and Employment

Postby Fish and Chips » Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:48 pm

I received some interesting information yesterday. It is very possible I might complete college in my next two semesters, graduating Fall 2009 without any course overload. Naturally I'm looking into this, as it would be helpful to stave off an extra semester's worth of debt, and kinda convenient on any resume to note "Graduated college in Three And A Half years."

Prayer that this all works out is appreciated. And in praise, that I should be so fortunate.

The flip side of this is, I'm going to need employment soon after. Still nearly a year off, but I seriously need to start thinking about these things, and now I have a little less time to pad my decision. Preferably I'd like to be a published author, but I'm not so naive as to gamble my livelihood on my first work being a smash out hit, assuming I could even find a publisher. I'm a history major with a reasonable side interest in theology and writing, so conceivably I could work towards something that makes use of these. However, I am also a heavy procrastinator, socially reclusive, and tend not to work well in groups (sometimes). So this is also request for guidance and initiative. Normally I'd just ask that a job pop up, but I do not believe God helps those who can easily help themselves, and I can certainly find one if I force myself. Moving in to a new home will be a little easier I think, since I have a lot of friends and family possibly willing to split rent.

Thank you in advance.
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Postby goldenspines » Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:20 am

Wow, that is a blessing indeed, to graduate that fast. I'll be praying that it all works out smoothly and that you'd be able to find and get a job quickly after(or maybe even before?) you graduate.
Have you ever thought about being a historian of some sort? Or is that not a very exciting job? XD;
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Postby GeneD » Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:46 am

I'll be praying. I'm not sure what kind of job would be related to your field of study but here's hoping the Lord brings something awesome across your path.
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:31 pm

Wow, I'm envious that you'll graduate slightly earlier than me. *will have to settle for his "graduated in 3.66 years" resume line*

Anyway, as for your career goals, my practical piece of advice is to seek an internship in whatever in anything writing-related. Newspapers often are recruiting but I'm sure there are many other places. Getting your foot in the door is often the most important thing and typically companies will promote an intern who is interested to full time and only let go of phenomenally incompetent ones.

It's also best to find opportunities through your college.

Failing this, remember that writing is not a structured, regimented career path and many famous authors had careers in other fields before or alongside becoming published. John Grisham comes to mind (the quality of his works notwithstanding)

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Postby Sheol777 » Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:13 am

You got it Fish...I'm on it.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:43 pm

I'll pray as well. Since I've recently decided to pursue music as a career, I can relate to being unsure of my employment after college.

Until you can work writing into an economically viable career, you could always try the local funeral homes to see if they need a director. ^_~

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Postby xblack_x_rosesx » Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:30 pm

You've got it.

Maybe you could look into work at a museum or something of the sort.

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Postby Fish and Chips » Wed May 13, 2009 11:19 pm

Well now, this looks suspiciously like a bump.

As a general update, my current semester is going fine without a hitch, however there's a new problem at hand. It seems that a bunch of people miscalculated (myself included) and never factored in certain open elective classes, of all things, into my degree audit. I have enough units in my major, "Minor," and general education courses to pass all my requirements, but minus those couple Fill In The Blank electives I'm 10 units short of the arbitrary 130 units to graduate.

There is a solution I'm pursuing, naturally, but it involves more than just a few things going my way, and last time I checked that I wasn't doing so hot. Tonight our chapel mentioned that we should surrender our worries to God, so I'm bringing this back up to pray that (1) I can let this go and leave it up to God's care, but also (2) that things should work out for me and I can pull this off.

As a side note, I'd like to add that I don't have any particular delusions of grandeur or anything about graduating a semester early, and I'd be perfectly fine to do my eighth semester and be done like everyone else. But the main reason I've been trying to make this work is for my parent's sake. We're all in turbulent times economically, and footing the bill of both my and my sister's college tuition is a strain on my dad, one I'd like to have at least partially relieved by finishing early. This is more for him than it is for me.

Again, thank you in advance.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu May 14, 2009 4:02 am

Is it possible you take summer courses for electives at a nearby community college? Any way you can talk with your adviser on that?
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Postby goldenspines » Thu May 14, 2009 7:02 am

It's always those extra electives; they'll get us all in the end, I'm sure. Xp

I'll be praying, Fish. I'm positive God has an awesome plan all laid out for this.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu May 14, 2009 10:54 am

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1311664) wrote:Is it possible you take summer courses for electives at a nearby community college? Any way you can talk with your adviser on that?
That's exactly what we're trying to set up, though it doesn't help me much that the college in question isn't responding to my emails. I plan on calling them up this afternoon to see what's up, but I'm pretty nervous for whatever reason.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu May 14, 2009 11:00 am

Emailing the registrar's office never works for me. Best option in my experience is to go straight up to them... but if you're not on campus then that may be difficult. =(
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