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Just so dumb.

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Just so dumb.

Postby Momo-P » Fri May 08, 2009 6:52 pm

I think the devil puts those "what if" scenarios in all of our heads, but lately he's been really pestering me with it. Making me doubt and question things I technically have answers for. I mean, good example, recently I asked about Daniel's prophecies in the general discussion forum and got a good answer. No problem, right? But then it's like, I get this irritating voice "ya, well...what if that answer isn't true?" Ok, that's just dumb. I know nobody here would steer me wrong, plus I do know the New International Version and I believe a few other editions of the Bible support what Galant wrote (that the weeks is just a set of seven). It's such a dumb thing to be bothered about, but it's those worries that causes doubt so of course satan isn't going to let up.

I've also had other dumb things bother me that just shouldn't. Like hearing about animals doing things that...just aren't right. One of those "why would God allow that" moments, only to remember A)Animals have their own laws and B) Just because they do something doesn't mean God likes it. He doesn't like our sinning either, so why is it different for an animal.

I mean, it's just...completely idiotic stuff. *sweatdrops* Despite the moronicness of it all though, I can't get it out of my head though, so prayers would be nice. I still pray, read my Bible, etc. but I do want to be closer to God...lately I've just felt really down so it would be nice to feel better in my faith.
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Postby Sae-chan » Wed May 13, 2009 9:19 am

Praying for you. Take a breather, and grow close with God... Glad to see you haven't walked away from your faith. I'm sure we all go through those doubting times... just persevere and keep saying 'no' to the devil. Remember... the devil's whisperings will only affect you as much as you allow them to. If you keep listening to them, you're letting them into your mind. So don't. Say 'no' to Satan.

I'll be praying for you. :)
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Postby Gelka » Wed May 13, 2009 2:26 pm

Sae is right. Try not to allow it to bother you too much or you may not be able to get it out of your head. I will also be praying for you!
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Postby xblack_x_rosesx » Wed May 13, 2009 7:42 pm

I know nobody here would steer me wrong


On this I just want to say don't rely too deeply on this. I'm sure nobody here would purposely steer you wrong, but the internet is a... great way for Satan to work, because there is SO much miscommunication because none of it is face to face. I'm just saying, trust in yourself and God more then the "idea" that people here are right. I think it's ok to question stuff, we should question stuff, but if it's to an uncomfortable extent like your describing then yee o.o;;

Anyway, praying you can put it out of your head, cos the faster you let go of these feelings, the less messed up with it all you'll get.

Praying for ya ^_^

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Postby Peanut » Wed May 13, 2009 7:50 pm

Momo, there is nothing wrong with asking questions (even ones that seem stupid) and having doubts as long as you handle them correctly. From what I've seen, you've been taking all the right steps with any questions and doubts that you have had by bringing them to the surface and asking fellow believers about them. You've been avoiding the classic trap of just sitting on them and letting them eat away with you and that's something to be proud of. In today's world we tend to treat faith and doubt as black and white, believing that in order to have faith you must have no doubt. The truth is doubt can be complementary to faith by causing us to further exam our own beliefs in a quest to find the truth and God. I'll be praying.

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Postby shooraijin » Wed May 13, 2009 7:51 pm

I'm sure nobody here would purposely steer you wrong,

Certainly there is a large diversity of theological opinion on CAA. It's part of the reason we've never really encouraged heavy theology, because some of it is simply what you believe and for no other reason.

I've always encouraged, like xblack_x_rosesx also says, that people should be able to question and probe their faith. Better for you to do it and seek answers in a supportive atmosphere, and be satisfied that the answer is sound, than to be shot down publicly. It makes you a better witness when you can back up your deeply held beliefs, and ultimately that is the purpose we are on earth for.
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Postby ADXC » Wed May 13, 2009 8:19 pm

Well I always get here to late to say anything original! Thanks guys(JK, you guys are sharp as tacks.)!

Momo, I would suggest everything that has been said. You need to stop and think. The Bible is a complex book and no man can fully understand it fully while on this earth because there are so many facets and interpretations. Remember that Satan is always going to attack you, he uses any means necessary. This time he is hitting you with those "what if" questions. My advice for that is don't worry about it. John 14:1 is very useful here. Christ says, "Let not your hearts be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." You need to see what we believe as fully the truth. Ultimately we can't be completely sure everything is correct on our own, we need to have faith for that part. If God made everything in life clear and cut, then Satan wouldn't have a snowball's chance. You and I have so many more years to live and grow in Christ and so will our faith grow. I wish you could have heard the sermon I heard on Doubt a few years ago(It was so good. Maybe I'll post it here later.). Have you seen or read the Pilgrim's Progress? It is one of the best illustrations of the christian's life out in the real world. There is even a section on doubt and faith.

I know what you are going through, really I have questioned my faith in a way that I don't want to ever again. We can never know everything there is to know about the Bible(If we did, we would not worry about anything. When we get to heaven though all will be revealed.).

Let me say this, I have been doing a research paper on a cult(Im not going to say which.), and it was so attractive to me and I started to say "Hey, why isn't this a denomination of Christianity?" However as I went on I realized that it was a wacked out religion(Far from true Christianity). God revealed to me through scripture why it was wrong. After this event, I came to the realization that God was not making me do this paper to punish me, but to further my faith in Him.

So Momo, have you looked at the other religions in depth? Perhaps then you will feel more secure in Christianity as I do now.

Don't worry about the "What if what I believe is wrong?" questions because they are harmful to your mind(They were to mine.). But you should question your own faith in the way as "Okay, why do I believe in this and not some other religion?"

I hope you can get through the spiritual storm you are currently in, I'll pray for you.
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