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Just getting to me (aka finals)

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Just getting to me (aka finals)

Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Mon May 04, 2009 6:15 pm

So my worst class' final is on Wednesday. I've been doing not so well in it, and it's been beating me over the head for a good portion of the semester.

The last test was last Wednesday. Before receiving the grade, I felt as though I did well, since I went through the material from beginning to end, working a large amount of problems which came out right.


I believe I'm on the borderline of failing that class. I, and others, have been praying for help ... but it has been the same results over and over.

One could wonder if they are simply being ignored. I don't want to think so, but that ugly thought is always at the back of my head. Those thoughts "Did I do something wrong?"

I believe it is because I hardly have a quiet time with God nowadays. It's been a paper nightmare lately, but I usually have a 'mental-conversation' with him for a brief time.

It's just that fight against the negative. I really want to be positive about this.

I know He said that He wouldn't put you through something you couldn't bear ... but this class costs $5k. I had to drop another class and I can't afford to throw $10k up in the air like that. I have meager scholarships despite my 4.16 in HS (FastWeb is a joke by the way), and my dad was laid off. As of right now, it seems like the university is struggling a bit, since it is May and they haven't sent us our financial aid report and tuition is 1-5k more next term.

It's like in Evan Almighty, when he yells, "Can I get a little precipitation, here?!"

Can I get a little help, here, please, God? If not for me, please do it for my parents, who are helping me pay for college?

I reaalllyyyy need a miracle. Vraiment, J'ai besoin un miracle, s'il Vous plait!!!!

--a really frustrated and confused DEG <( > __ < )>

On the positive side, I'm doing great in my other classes, praise God!
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Mon May 04, 2009 6:43 pm

I am sorry to hear that you are failing the class. You better start cramming for the final! Praying for you.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon May 04, 2009 7:31 pm

What class was it for?
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I Appreciate Your Post - A L O T

Postby Reon » Tue May 05, 2009 12:47 am

Reading what you had typed reminded me of something I had almost completely forgotten about that was so important to me when I first gave my life to Christ. I'm really glad you typed all this... I might have a goal or a plan in front of myself, my own path. None the less, as much as I want my own path I need to remember I need to make God the number one priority in my life. He knows the plans he has for me (plans to prosper and not to harm me, plans that give me hope and a future Jeremiah 29:11-13). God might take me down paths I don't understand, cause me pain, that I don't understand. When I think about it, it really reminds me of Jesus.

Even after I gave my life to God the girlfriend I had of two years was going through immense pains and struggles and has in her childhood as well. I cried out to God to do something, twice he answered prayers and gave me confirmations. She called me again tonight, I prayed to God for an answer on what to do feeling I didn't get one... I think I have my answer all over again. Not just to know what to do when she called, but what to do with my struggles lately. I need to re align my sign on Christ. I am a servant who was bought at a price, I can't forget that. I think thats what happened the past month in a half... Guess I have some repenting to do, thank God though that Jesus Christ's blood is more than enough for me. In the process of typing this I found that picture as well as the following (end portion) of someones blog post. I hope it affects you as much as it did me, if you really want to read the full thing the links below.

I pray that you pass the class and give all the glory to God - if its not in his will I hope that only causes you to lean on him more. You'll be in my prayers, constantly.


(Lower portion of the blog quoted below)
[quote]Not My Will, But Yours Be Done!

Have you ever stood before God and shamelessly demanded your own way on something? Have you ever grabbed him by the throat, so to speak, and demanded that he make your life work? Now! Have you ever demanded that he come through for you, or else…? Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not talking about persistent, genuine, heartfelt prayer. I’m talking about idolatry. I’m talking about, “I want this no matter what!â€
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Postby Peanut » Tue May 05, 2009 10:34 am

DEG, just study as hard as you can and leave the rest in God's hands. That's all you can do at this point. As for finances, well with the way the economy is, I think we are all feeling it to some degree. You can always try to get a job on or off campus, but still, trust God to provide for you. I'll be in prayer.

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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue May 05, 2009 12:20 pm

I'll be praying for you and others who are in the midst of exams :)

Just study your brains out until it's exam time :)

May I suggest posting up a help thread on the subject ^^? Maybe it could help :)
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue May 05, 2009 8:57 pm

:hug: Hang in there, Elfy. It's almost over! I share your pain. Finals/killer classes/finances = major stress headache. u,u;;

Something we all gotta remember though; God is not our genie or our Santa Claus. I hear so many classmates that pray to do well on their test... they don't... they get mad. But really... let's be real; you can't faith heal a test. I feel like randomly quoting Zidane here in saying "if all were so simple, none would suffer in this world." It's not that God doesn't care and He may be helping you in ways that you haven't realized, but there is such a thing as life being just life. We get frustrated when God doesn't meet our expectations, but He isn't there just to give us what we want. It's good to step back and put everything in perspective. Whatever's happening now isn't the end of the world - you'll pull through it!

Prayin' for ya!
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Wed May 06, 2009 8:28 am

To MSP: It's Calculus ...

Thanks so much guys! (Thanks, Reon, for that excerpt!!)

[quote="USSRGirl"]Something we all gotta remember though]

That would definitely be me. I just feel guilty for asking now, since I haven't had a serious quiet time with Him. It feels as if I'm just pulling out "the lamp" which I've "placed" Him in, you know?

I guess prestige and perfection are my idols.

Well, the final is today in a few hours. Thanks again, for your prayers :hug:
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby Amzi Live » Wed May 06, 2009 9:25 am

I also have a similar situation,but classes over at my college are super cheap.
Sometimes students just don't care about trowing them away. Not that I do that. lol
For some that have student aid,it covers their studies,plus they end up having extra money to use.
Anyways,I'll be praying for today.
[font="Arial Narrow"] Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. Psalm86:11[/font]
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Postby USSRGirl » Thu May 07, 2009 3:55 pm

~darkelfgirl~ wrote:
That would definitely be me. I just feel guilty for asking now, since I haven't had a serious quiet time with Him. It feels as if I'm just pulling out "the lamp" which I've "placed" Him in, you know?

I guess prestige and perfection are my idols.

Well, the final is today in a few hours. Thanks again, for your prayers :hug:

Yeah, I know whatcha mean. It's hard not to have "me" centered prayers, but whenever you're talking to God He hears you and He knows when you're not feeling your best. Weird - a few days ago I was talking to a friend of mine and they brought up a quote from what I think (can't remember now... though I think it's fairly well known so maybe someone on here knows where it came from) was from a Lutheran magazine. "When you don't know what to pray, just pray 'God have mercy.'" I thought about it after and realized that's kinda true. ^__^

However you did on the test, at least it's over now.
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