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Lot going on

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Lot going on

Postby Jaltus-bot » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:46 pm


I know I don't post here often, but if you could say a prayer for me, I'd appreciate that.

One of my best friends is having surgery next week. Hopefully she will hurt less after this.

I am trying to get medical insurance as I am losing my current insurance.

I've had something with pain when I move my head/neck bothering me since last weekend. I fail to have full range of head motion without brief pain accompanying certain changes in position.

I have a lot of tests and a project to work on and a project that is due in two weeks that needs a lot of work. I have my worst term GPA earned so far in over four years. If it goes any lower at the end of the term, I lose my good student discount for autoinsurance. Plus I'll feel really bad, and I need to know some of this stuff for next quarter's classes. I think I have a C+ so far in a prerequisite with a 40% of my grade cumulative final the same day as another final. I need to do well!

And right in the middle of this, I get a letter saying in the next few days to sign up for traffic school. (Yes, I got a ticket.)

On a more mixed note, I got an internview on Dec 3rd for a summer internship at Edison.

And positively I won a GRE prep course, which I pick up a certificate to this week.
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

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"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him."

"One of the nice things about diseases of the brain is they tend to slip your mind." Colbert
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