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I am doomed and need a prayer and alot of advice.

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I am doomed and need a prayer and alot of advice.

Postby MoonRock Dragon » Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:33 pm

Well for all my life I have had fears so bad that I got a ulcer and got violently ill everyday and got treated like vermin as well as a freak/outcast by my peers.So everyday for the last 12 years of my life I have been on my own without any friends and durning break time for the last 12 yrs I have been walking around the yard been ridiculed like I was a parasite.It got even worse when people found out that I beleve in christ and the bible so now they call me a bible thumper and a prude and a queer.Also I have aspergers syndrome which make it harder for my to communicate and read social cues.Not many people take the bible to heart or seriously where I live and most guys in my area belittle the bible and are always on about sex and how many people they have been with while the girls are very matirealistic and care only about looks and money and popularity and whats new in and disregared the bible.I Have always been lonely and it has gotten worse since I am 18 and have not made any good friends in my life and have never had a girlfriend.I do sometimes think that I am destined to be lonely and sad in this world and never have a soul mate.To me I think that the my life is a living hell which I have to get over and endure all the cruelty and misery in the world.
So my Phobia list
Clasterphobia (mild)
fear of churches (Because thats where funerals are held)
graveyards (The place of death)
fear of comets.
fear of hell
fear of globle warming
fear of rotting
I am also very shy .Also sorry for the spelling errors since I am very upset at the moment.
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Postby Jemuel » Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:26 pm

I'll pray for you!
...I don't know any words that'll make it all better. If I could, though, rest assured that I would. While I've never suffered the exact same way you have, I have been spiritually mangled quite frequently. Words will never express my concern for you. I pray that I have helped you with my post.
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Postby goldenspines » Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:20 pm

You know what? The Lord, the creator of the universe, happens to be more powerful than anything on your phobia list. Don't you think He should be the one you fear? But, the wonderful thing about God is that He loves you(yes you) more than anything else and will never leave you(as He promises in the last chapter of Matthew). Even though He has so much power, He still chooses to love you, amazing, yes?
And, I know what you mean about feeling lonely. I have failed to have any good friends in my whole life as you have and feel as if I have a extremely low of a chance of finding a "soul mate" as well. But, as mentioned previously, God loves you, more than any person on earth ever could(try to imagine that for a moment), and because He loves you so much, He has your best interests(even if you don't know them yet) in store for you future, granted you trust in His judgement for your life.
Will this make everything all sunshine and rainbows? No. But it will give you a better outlook on life knowing that the God that controls all of the universe cares about every asspect in your life and wants to be with you through it all.

I will be praying for you, though and I'll leave you with this verse for you to think on.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. -2 Timothy 1:7

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Postby Doubleshadow » Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:01 pm

I'll pray for your concerns.
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Postby christianfriend » Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:59 am

I'll be praying for you MoonRock Dragon, and I really hope that things start to get better for you.

And If you ever want to chat, complain, or just be random, please feel free to message me anytime! I'de be more than happy to talk with you :D

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Postby sstohru » Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:45 pm

Hey, I'm praying for you, MoonRock Dragon. Hang in there, God is with you...Trust me, no trust Him. I know it sounds cheesy, but nevertheless it's true. He's been there for me, and I know He's there for you too. We're praying for you. Remember that. God bless you.
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Postby MoonRock Dragon » Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:11 pm

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Postby Sanderson » Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:44 am

"They laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at them because they are all the same!" Remember this when you don't feel accepted by your peers. Why fear things like comets and global warming when there is something much more powerful? This powerful something happens to love you. If God allowed things like comets to destroy Earth, it would have already happened years ago. I believe God has a limit on what he lets happen to Earth. Yes, Earth is polluted and corrupted, but it's still here. Anything that would literally destroy it, he wouldn't let that happen.
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