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poor kid

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poor kid

Postby Yeshua-Knight » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:33 am

this is an email that was forwarded to me from my parents who, in turn, received it from the grandmother of the child mentioned

Recapping - the esophogeal echocardiogram that Madison had yesterdayrevealed that her valve is leaking now pretty significantly & they did findthe infection there which is damaging her heart tissue. Initially theysaid they would be doing the valve replacement today, but after thecardiology team consulted, they have decided to wait until at leastMonday, no later than Thursday, to do the surgery as her nutritional statusisn't that great so they wanted to use these few days to hopefully improvethat to better assist w/withstanding the surgery & recuperating afterwards.They want her to have 4 bottles of Pediasure per day and what she doesn'ttake by mouth they give by NG tube which they inserted last night.

Though this surgery is very serious, there are some positivethings.....because her heart has grown some over this past year, they willbe doing a true valve replacement this time rather than sitting themechanical valve on top of hers and she is healthier & stronger now thanshe was last year. Dr. Hsai (pronounced Shaw) will be doing the surgeryagain & will be letting us know probably sometime today which day next weekthey'll be doing it....they're having to rearrange surgery schedules asthis will be a very long surgery & they want her to be 1st case of the day.Before placement of the new valve of course they're going to have to cleanout the infection in the heart....this unfortunately is one of theuncertainties as they won't know if all the bacteria was removed untillater down the road...of course she will be on heavy antibiotics forseveral weeks post surgery.

My heart sank when I first learned of this from a hysterical Jordan yesterday afternoon...I too, became pretty emotional. Though not yetunderstanding the "whys" of all of this, which I realize I may never know,I do feel more at peace this morning believing with all my heart that Godis in control.....what is most bothersome I suppose is watching Madisonhaving to endure so much & her not understanding why all the poking,prodding & pain she's having to go through....but, and Peg can vouch forthis, in between all of these interruptions, she continues to have thatsweet, happy, playful disposition that just captures your heart.... Thanks to all of you again for your continued love, support & prayers

if you'd please pray for madison, her mother, and her grandmother, i'd appreciate it, thanks
'nuff said
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Postby Doubleshadow » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:38 am

I'll pray.
[color="Red"]As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. - Proverbs 23:7[/color]

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