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am i evil?

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am i evil?

Postby diton 13 » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:48 am

i really am think i am a failure i need the determenation i asked for in another thread.why do i not feel guilt i just don't i have done it all looked up porn,taken revenge,and worse of all stolen and lied to get outta trouble..all of these things make i do it and move on I SHOULD FEEL GUILT!!!so am i evil?
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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:38 am

All of us are evil (Matthew 19:17), diton. We're all sinners, we all have human nature that wants to tell us "this is okay, that is okay" to contend with. If we weren't, we would not need Christ. You've obviously recognized your sins, and have the desire to do better in the future. That's really all any of us can do; pray that God will guide us in strength and determination, loving us even when we fall short, and that we will have faith and patience in Him as He trains and grows us into the people He wants us to be. We all go through turbulent times in our life and have places we will look back and want to beat ourselves over the head with a golf club for. It's good to recognize your sins, to feel remorse or guilt, but God does not want us to dwell on them either - not when He gave His own Son to withhold our punishment.

So don't beat yourself up over it. Just remember that prayer and scripture are the best defenses against temptation in the future.

In my prayers.

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Postby termyt » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:23 am

What you seem to lack is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand another's feelings. I could go into a rant about "how would you feel if what you did was done to you" but, let me take another approach.

We are called by God to stand for justice and aid the oppressed. When you lie, cheat, or steal from someone, you pervert justice and add oppression on to them, the exact opposite of what we are called to do.

You don't feel guilty? Doesn't matter. Do what is right regardless of how you feel about it.

Some people do what is right because they feel bad if they do wrong.
Others do what is right because it is right.
Still others do right for the wrong reasons.

Anyway you look at it, for whatever reason you come by it, it is better to do right than wrong. Start doing right, we can work on your motivation for doing it later.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:00 am

You're not evil...only the devil is pure evil. Yes, we do evil things, but that doesn't make us evil. The fact that you've noticed your lack of conscience is a step in the right direction to setting things straight. Perhaps if you spoke with a pastor or priest, he could help you by giving you guidance.

And above all, if you want to be forgiven and return to your normal state of being, just tell God that you're sorry and want to be forgiven. Even if you don't feel contrition, try your hardest to mean what you're saying. Repeat as often as it takes to reach the point where you truly mean what you are saying. And always remember that God loves you no matter what you do, and He's always waiting for you to come back to Him, where He stands with arms outstreched. :)

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