For security reasons, this site will be shutting down on Monday, February 24 at 10:00 AM Pacific time. Thank you to everyone who has visited the site over the years. We may be back in another capacity, but there is no time frame. If you have data you wish to save, you are encouraged to download or save it to your computer before the forums close.


guys, I'm heading out...

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guys, I'm heading out...

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:58 am

Thought this place would be an appropriate place to post this.

So anyways, I'll be leaving this place. Haven't been too attached here as of late, nor have I been NEARLY as active as I used to (and I doubt any new peoples even know my name. Oh well). Lot of stuff going on with me now, a sort of transitional phase in life for me and I'm pretty busy and don't find myself doing much on here, either than lurk. Been praying for you guys the whole time, and I ask for a final word of prayer on this section of my life. I have a major 'to do' list and knocked off a couple big things, but still have a few to go :/

So yeah nothing personal of course. Maybe I'll come back some day or lurk every now and then. But for now, it's 'ja ne'^^
神 は、 その 独り 子 を お与え に なった ほど に 世 お愛 された。
独り 子 を 信じる 者 が 一人 も滅 ひない で, 永遠 の 命 お得る ため で ある。

ヨハネ 3:16
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Postby Danderson » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:15 am

U have my prayers.....Really do hope u come back. I think when I first joined back in April u were in the prayer thread constantly and a big encouragment to myself and others....

U will be missed here....
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:18 am

[color="DeepSkyBlue"]4 8 15 16 23[/color] 42
[color="Orange"]WELCOME TO MOES[/color]


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