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Sunday school

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Sunday school

Postby RedMage » Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:25 pm

After almost eight months, my involvement with my church's Sunday School program - where I taught 3rd-5th grade - has pretty much come to an end. The people in charge have plans to take the program in a different direction and I just don't fit in any more.

Until today I thought I would at least be teaching again for the month of August, but today I was informed that's not the case: there were plans already in place that had been overlooked when I was told I was doing August. Worse, my kids...the kids...miss me and they had already been told I'd be back in August, and now someone has to inform them that I won't be. I'll get a call if there's anything they need me to do.

I'm disappointed, perplexed, hurt, and somewhat bitter. When I first volunteered last December they seemed overjoyed to have someone on board, like they were desperate for volunteers. I stepped up, built a relationship with the kids, and now they're determined to change everything around and don't care that I get kicked to the curb in the shuffle. I'm not asking for everything to stand still for my sake, but I don't understand the reasoning.

Please pray that I'll be able to make peace with this and won't let it eat away at me, because right now I'm not feeling very favorably towards my church.
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Postby ADXC » Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:18 pm

Oh man, thats down right wrong of them to be doing that! If you want to help with/do the kid's sunday school class, then you should have the right to do so. I just don't get it! "You should never deny a person, who wants to work, work." At the very least they should be able to get you to do something with the kids. Surely they have stuff that you could do, I just know it! Oh sorry if I sound like I don't like the people at your church, I just meant that I that I don't like the ways are sounding for whatever they're doing. That was all. I just think that if you want to help out with the kids, that you should be allowed to do so. But I'll pray for your dillema. And also yeah pray to God about this, because Im sure He has something for you to do in mind. Maybe not now, but maybe later. You never know. But theres a chance you might be able to do something now, I just don't know. Anyways I'll be a praying for you!
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:58 pm

Hm that sounds pretty tough, for both ends :/ Praying...
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独り 子 を 信じる 者 が 一人 も滅 ひない で, 永遠 の 命 お得る ため で ある。

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