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of jobs and moving (yet ANOTHER request...)

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of jobs and moving (yet ANOTHER request...)

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:57 am

Oy things aren't the best for my guy and I and it's like a vicious circle, that is, real life :/

First off, we work at the same place (different departments though) and things have been getting rougher by the day there :/ Short staffed, in debt, more work added on to some people (like him) and more involved standing around doing nothing sometimes (like me, due to nothing else to do and dead business hours). Seems like everytime someone gets sick, it's a huge fuss to try and get someone else. EVERY time I get a day off (part time, but still 5 days a week) I get called in and refuse most of the time (unless I work 4 days) because too much is too much :/

It's... very little money :/ I'm trying to save up the best I can for future moving out etc, and he has a hard time since he has a car (unlike me) to tend to and pay for gas. Really, it's not alot of pay when you pay for gas while buying food and still trying to buy an item or two for yourself for entertainment and whatnot, to keep yourself sane^^

I realize this is how real life works, and minimum wage SUCKS. Neither of us can actually get a good job from where our talents/interests lie, due to either interest or tough competition, so it's really hard to take and keep making loans for classes and whatnot (I can't work and go to class at the same time, so would personally rather save). This town, is so small and has hardly anything to offer. I've been needing out for a while, but can't without money it's hard to do much :/ The cost of rent in town is atrocious for a place such as this that comes with barely anything but hot water and stuff. Move out where there's ACTUAL opportunity and the rent is completely through the roof! It's... a VERY hard place to live in and I know many others that feel trapped like us :/ He, on the other hand wants out, but knows how bad it is in an actual city, but would still rather be there.

It's just not good^^ For me, most of my friends have got out and either in college or just managed to move elsewhere and doing alot. For him, he has TONS of friends that didn't even graduate, and doing jobs like pipelining, electrical, heavy lifting-type jobs, that already earn them a VERY good wage ("men-jobs" as I call them). So yeah many people do get lucky. For us though, we get down (him moreso), wish we were elsewhere with a better paying job and so forth. For me moreso, I need out since I've felt trapped for years and just NEED to get out... This town is like a pit, rather than a valley that traps many people inside, and it's just not fun... :/

So, prayer for this whole issue would be great... I know, it's common for many people but the issue itself is just so stressing and very frustrating, and just an endless vicious circle :/ Some people don't mind living at their parents house for years, but I just can't for much longer, and I know he can't either :/
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Postby rsnumber2 » Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:28 pm

I will pray that God help you find a place that is just right for you. I know the feeling about living in a black hole. It's not fun. Things will improve. I pray that they will.
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Postby Danderson » Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:02 pm

If you really are looking for an opprotunity to leave, I would encourage you to seriously pray for an opprotunity...
I'll be prayin for you either way...
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Postby Tsuki » Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:12 pm

Praying! Don't give up! cheering for you.
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